What changes in July 2024: gas prices, savings, taxes, supermarkets, traffic…

What changes in July 2024: gas prices, savings, taxes, supermarkets, traffic…
What changes in July 2024: gas prices, savings, taxes, supermarkets, traffic…

Every month these inflations and their new rules. In this month of July 2024, we give you the list of all the changes that impact the lives of Parisians and Ile-de-France residents. Savings, consumption but also traffic, this is what changes…

New savings product intended for young people, evolution of the DPE for small areas, entry into force of the decree on “reduflation” to better inform consumers… Find the main changes taking place this month of July 2024.

A new savings plan for young people

From July 1, those under 21 will be able to benefit from the future climate savings plan. Established by the law relating to green industry of October 23, 2023, this product aims to mobilize the savings of young people in favor of the ecological transition. This plan can be opened from the birth of the child, with a ceiling set at 22,950 euros, the funds being blocked until the holder reaches the age of majority.

Strengthened regulations to better inform consumers

As of July 1, 2024, supermarkets will have to clearly indicate the upward trend in prices of consumer products that have suffered a decrease in quantity. This practice, known as reductionconsists of hiding the decrease in quantity of certain products while maintaining or increasing their price.

Tax: the online declaration correction service opens

From July 31, it will be possible to modify the elements of the 2023 income tax return via the online correction service available on impots.gouv.fr. This service will remain open until December 4, 2024 inclusive.

The energy performance diagnosis (DPE) is changing for small areas

From July 1, the method of calculating the energy performance diagnosis (EPD) for housing of less than 40m² is modified. This reform will make it possible to remove certain small areas from the category of “energy sieves”. DPEs carried out between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2024 may be reassessed.

Revised mobility payment rates

The mobility paymentparticipation of companies with at least 11 employees in the financing of public transport, sees its rates revised on July 1. These new rates will apply in different communities of communes and agglomerations.

The price of gas increases on July 1

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) announces an 11.7% increase in the benchmark natural gas sales price (PRVG) in July 2024, with an average level of €129.2/MWh including tax. This increase is mainly due to the new distribution network tariff and the increase in wholesale gas prices.

Rural revitalization zone reform comes into force

July 1st marks the entry into force of the reform of rural revitalization zones (ZRR) with the new “France Ruralités Revitalisation” zoning. This system aims to strengthen the attractiveness of rural areas, allowing companies located in these areas to benefit from tax and social security exemptions.

Olympic routes: new traffic restrictions

THE Olympic ways reserved for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will come into effect on July 15. Intended for athletes, officials and media, these special lanes will extend along several axes in Paris and the Paris region, including the ring road. Violators will be subject to fines, and it is crucial to respect these restrictions to avoid sanctions.

Metro stations closed during the Olympics

Some metro stations will be closed during the Olympic Games for security and logistical reasons. Users are invited to consult the RATP website to obtain the list of affected stations and plan their trips accordingly.

Increase in the price of transport tickets

In view of the Olympic Games, the prices of public transport tickets in Ile-de-France will experience an increase. This measure aims to support the increase in attendance and improve the infrastructure necessary for this global event.

These changes, coming into effect this month, will have a significant impact on various aspects of daily life in Île-de-France. To stay informed and adapt to these new regulations, it is advisable to regularly consult the official websites.



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