After last night’s storms, what weather is forecast for this first week of July?

After last night’s storms, what weather is forecast for this first week of July?
After last night’s storms, what weather is forecast for this first week of July?

The weather was stormy last night, causing flooding in the province of Luxembourg. The weather should calm down, but will remain overcast for next week.

The Royal Meteorological Institute (IRM) had activated an orange alert for thunderstorms in the province of Luxembourg from 10 p.m. last night. This morning, the weather is still rainy in places. It will then be generally dry in most regions with alternating clearings and cloudy periods.

This Sunday afternoon

The cloud cover will increase again from the west with showers reaching the coastal fringe. These will finally reach the central part of the country in the evening. Temperatures will be between 17 and 22 degrees, indicates the IRM. The evening will be rainy across the country, with minimums of 11 to 14 degrees.


The last showers will leave our country from the east. The sky will then become partly cloudy with slightly variable weather. The maxima will oscillate between 15 degrees in Hautes-Fagnes and 19 or 20 degrees in Lower and Middle Belgium, under a moderate northwest wind.


There will be a lot of clouds with periods of rain or showers. It will be cool with highs of 14 degrees in the high Ardennes to 19 or 20 degrees in the center. The moderate west wind will turn to the northwest.


The sky will often be very cloudy or even overcast with periods of rain or showers coming from the North Sea. The maximums will be between 15 and 19 degrees with a moderate wind and at sea sometimes quite strong from west to southwest.


Some risk of showers is forecast. We should then return to drier weather with more clear spells from the west. The maximums will vary between 16 and 20 degrees. The west to southwest wind will be moderate or locally quite strong.

Friday and Saturday

The weather will be slightly variable with clearings and the risk of a few showers. The maximums will vary around 21 or 22 degrees.

weather rain storm temperature



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