A busy day for La Lyre

A busy day for La Lyre
A busy day for La Lyre

Wednesday June 19 was

a very active day

for La Lyre.

The Sortilèges orchestra first renewed its ties with the Fête de la Musique at the SNCF canteen. At the invitation of the Comité des activités sociales et culturelles interentreprises (Casi) Lorraine, the students of the musical training program hosted the midday meal in the company restaurant. This year, the Casi wanted to resume this tradition that dates back to the last century. The association’s volunteers provided the logistics for transporting the chairs and percussion equipment. From 12:15 p.m., the 32 Sortilèges musicians were ready to play their scores, under the direction of Marie-Christine Rémongin. They took the audience on a journey! The performers were then able to share the meal offered by the Casi.

In the afternoon, La Lyre welcomed the young children from the Relais pôle enfance, Les P’tits Potes, in its auditorium for a slightly anticipated Fête de la musique. Marie-Christine Rémongin, director of the music school and conductor, had decided to welcome the 22 children with fanfare in the sorcerer’s temple of music. Arriving first, the youngest were able to approach music through games, movements and by handling small percussion instruments. Joined by their elders, they then attended the concert of the Grimoire student orchestra which welcomed other musicians from La Lyre. The show would not have been complete without the presentation of the instruments by the youngest from each section with the musical appearances of the teachers, such as Laure on the transverse flute, Nicolas on the trombone, euphonium and tuba, Christophe on the horn and trumpet and Lilian on the clarinet. After the youngest left, the older ones were initiated and participated in the batucada that Marie-Christine Rémongin had concocted for them. The children impressed the adults with their calm, their attentiveness and their knowledge.

  • The Little Friends welcomed to the Lyre auditorium.


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