“We had to overcome many challenges”

“We had to overcome many challenges”
“We had to overcome many challenges”
The President of the Senate yesterday closed the ordinary session of this Institution.

The President of the Senate, Richard Ravalomanana, proceeded yesterday to the closing of the ordinary session of this Institution. At the beginning of the ceremony, the President of the Senate congratulated Senator Manasoa Donat Tang who was elected deputy in Mahanoro under the color of the Firaisankina Platform. On this occasion, a certificate of recognition was awarded to the senator. The President of the Senate also indicated that this could reduce the problems between the Lower House and the Upper House. It should be noted that Richard Ramanambitana and Manasoa Donat Tang who left their places vacant will be replaced. During his closing speech, the President of the Senate noted that they had to face many challenges. He mentioned in particular the legislative elections, the provisional results of the Ceni and the June 26 celebration. He also did not fail to emphasize that there has been no trouble to date. It should be recalled that in its article 81, the Constitution stipulates that “the Senate represents the Decentralized Territorial Communities and the economic and social organizations. It comprises, for two thirds, members elected in equal number for each Province, and for one third, members appointed by the President of the Republic, partly, upon presentation of the most representative groups from the economic, social and cultural forces and partly because of their particular competence”.

Dominique R.



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