OL will want to do much better than last year

OL will want to do much better than last year
OL will want to do much better than last year

Last year, OL delivered a catastrophic friendly match campaign. Led by Pierre Sage, they hope to do much better in 2024.

The record at least has the merit of not lying. During its five pre-season friendlies in 2023, Olympique Lyonnais, then managed by Laurent Blanchad displayed an extremely worrying face, which subsequently resulted in an extremely difficult start to the championship, as everyone could see (last in Ligue 1 and departure from Cévenol).

Last year, OL began their preparation with a close success over the modest team of De Treffers (D3 Netherlands) with a goal from Tino Little boy to equalize in the 70th, then a penalty transformed by Jeff Reine-Adelaide in the 89th (1-2). Then, nothing more. These will be the last two scorers for the Rhone team until Ligue 1.

Once victory was achieved in Holland, Alexander’s partners Lacazette gave in by the smallest of margins against Manchester United (1-0), with the same score against Molenbeek (1-0) and Celta Vigo (1-0), before losing 2 to 0 in London on the field of Crystal Palace. Four setbacks, one success and two small achievements, not enough to build confidence before starting L1.

In 2024, Pierre Sage and his group hope to do much better, even if this will not bode well for the rest of the year to come. Remember that the OL calendar will see them host Chassieu-Décines on July 13, before facing WSG Tirol, resident of Austrian D1, on July 19. These two meetings, plus a third still in Austria, should allow Olympique Lyonnais to warm up before more delicate, at least more balanced, games against Torino on July 31 and August 11 against Arsenal. Between the two, a final preparation meeting could slip in. Enough to rev up before going to Rennes for the first day of Ligue 1.

Saturday July 13 : OL – Chassieu-Décines (N3)

Internship in Austria from July 15 to 25

Friday July 19 : WSG Tirol (AUT) – OL (Gernot Langes Stadium)

Wednesday July 31 : OL – Torino (ITA) (Stade Pierre-Rajon)

Internship in Divonne-les-Bains from August 5 to 8

Sunday August 11 : Arsenal (ANG) – OL (Emirates Stadium)



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