Gas prices, caps attached to bottles, new savings plan… everything that changes on July 1, 2024

Gas prices, caps attached to bottles, new savings plan… everything that changes on July 1, 2024
Gas prices, caps attached to bottles, new savings plan… everything that changes on July 1, 2024


Chloe Berry

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 11:56 a.m.

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Every month, small administrative or pricing changes burst into our daily lives. Good news or bad, the French often have no choice but to deal with it.

Money, housing, bills… summarizes what changes on July 1, 2024.

Gas prices increase

Average natural gas prices to rise in July 11.7% compared to those of June. “This development results mainly from the application of the new tariff for natural gas distribution networks and the increase in wholesale prices for natural gas,” specifies the website.

The average level of the benchmark sales price for natural gas will be €129.2/MWh including tax.

New posters in your supermarkets

Supermarkets will no longer have a choice: from July 1, 2024, they will be required to better inform consumers who wander through their shelves.

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To fight against shrinkflation (reduction, in French), small signs allowing better identification of products which have undergone a drop in quantity and conversely, a price increase will be displayed on the shelves.

Bottle caps become mandatory

We come to information that should not necessarily make you happy. As of July 3, caps attached to the bodies of plastic bottles, which sometimes interfere with the enjoyment of your drink, become mandatory.

Adopted in 2019, the directive on single-use plastics will come into force on July 3, 2024, we learn in a decree published in 2020.

A new investment available for under-21s

Make your money grow while helping to finance the energy transition. This is the idea of ​​this new placement, the future climate savings plan (PEAC), which some French people will be able to do from July 1.

Open to those under 21, it is to be used to finance “low carbon” projects within the framework of the green industry law, adopted last October.

The amount of payments is limited to 22,950 euros and will be automatically closed on the thirtieth birthday of its holder. But what is even more important to know is that it should be more profitable than a Livret A. Interesting, right? We tell you more in this article below dedicated to the PEAC.

The DPE is changing… but only for small areas

From July 1, the Energy Performance Diagnosis (EPD) will have a new look. The calculation method is evolving so that small areas are not penalized.

Indeed, “statistics show that housing with a surface area of ​​less than 40 m² is classified less well than the average at the DPE level,” indicates the Ministry of Ecological Transition. It was important to correct these disparities with a new calculation method.

This will allow 140,000 homes of less than 40 m² to move out of the energy sieve category (F or G labels), which represents more than 15% of these surfaces.

Ministry of Ecological Transition

“If you are concerned, you will be able, from July 1, to download the certificate replacing the first page of your DPE for possible sale or rental,” specifies Ademe, the ecological transition agency.

The return of Operation Tranquility Vacations (OTV)

If July 1st approaches, so do the summer holidays. Are you away from your home for a long time and are you worried about being robbed? The Ministry of the Interior offers an online service, entitled Opération Tranquillité Vacances (OTV), which allows residents during their prolonged absences to request surveillance of their home.

Registration (which can be done all year round, as reminds us) makes it possible to organize police or gendarmerie patrols, day and night, in order to fight against burglaries.

This free service set up by the cities has existed since 1974 in each department and is active from July 1st to August 31st.

The income of self-employed people will fall

From July 1, 2024, self-employed liberal entrepreneurs will gradually see their social contributions increase.

A decree modifies the overall rates of contributions and contributions, which will allow them to contribute for their supplementary pension… but this consequently entails a decrease in their real incomes.

As a reminder, around three million French people are self-employed.

500 euros of aid for certain high school students

The news doesn’t stop on July 1st. Other things change during the first month of summer. Scholarship students who have accepted at least one wish outside their academy on Parcoursup will receive new aid of 500 euros.

To obtain this mobility assistance, you will have to apply from July 3, 2024.

Choices to make on Parcoursup

Besides, as long as we’re talking about Parcoursup. From July 1 to July 3, you will need to rank your pending wishes in order of preference. July 12 marks the end of the main admission phase.

Start of the college certificate

From Monday, July 1 to Tuesday, July 2, 2024, more than 850,000 middle school students will take their national brevet diploma exam. This year, there are exactly 769,176 candidates in the general series, and 89,233 candidates in the professional series. will offer you the opportunity to find on its site, in partnership with Studyrama, the subjects and answers for the various brevet tests.
The results will be published on our website from July 11, 2024.

Later in July, you will be able to amend your tax return

Much later in July, the 31st of the month more precisely, you can modify your tax notice if you ever notice an error or an oversight between now and then. Simply go to the website to access the correction service.

“This service will be open until December 4, 2024 inclusive,” specifies the Ministry of the Economy.

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