Gas, DPE, ecological savings… What changes for your daily life on July 1st

Every first of the month brings some new things to the French.

July 2024 is no exception.

Energy, consumption, an anthology of a few decisions that can impact your daily life and your wallet.

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Practical life

The Euro football championship, the Tour de France, the Olympic Games… This month of July is all about sport. On the financial side, there are few changes to expect. Unless you use gas for heating or cooking. Here’s an overview of the changes that could affect your daily life.

Increase in gas prices

The gas bill for ten million French households is likely to increase. Each month, for information purposes, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) publishes a benchmark natural gas sales price (PRVG). The aim is to support residential consumers in their choice of supplier.

This benchmark price will increase by 11.7% in July 2024 compared to June. Average price, 131.59 euros/MWh including tax for the cooking/hot water part and 102.61 euros/MWh including tax for heating. The CRE estimates the reference price at around 13 cents/kWh. “This change is mainly the result of the application of the new tariff for natural gas distribution networks and the increase in wholesale prices for natural gas,” explains the CRE.

“Reducing”, informing about price increases

Major changes in supermarkets from July 1st. They must inform consumers of the upward price trend of consumer products, in the event that the packages are subject to a reduction in quantity.

This phenomenon is called “shrinkflation”. This portmanteau word is a contraction of reduction and inflation. It refers to commercial practices aimed at masking the decrease in the quantity of certain products while maintaining or increasing their price.

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    Hidden inflation: manufacturers have found a way to circumvent the new anti-shrinkflation rules

New savings for young people under 21

A new savings product reserved for those under 21 is opening on July 1st. The Climate Future Savings Plan, established by the law on green industry, aims to mobilize the savings of the youngest in favor of the ecological transition. You can open it for your child as soon as he or she is born. The amounts remain blocked until the holder reaches the age of majority. The ceiling is equivalent to that of a Livret A: 22,950 euros. Please note that unlike traditional savings accounts, the capital of the PEAC is not guaranteed.

And also

Evolution of the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) for small areas: The method of calculating the energy label (from A for the most efficient housing to G for the most energy-intensive) is being simplified for housing with a surface area of ​​less than or equal to 40 m². Several housing units should be removed from the “energy sieve” category.

Tax correction service: If you notice an oversight or error after receiving your 2024 tax notice on your 2023 income, don’t panic. You will be able to modify the declared elements from July 31.

MaPrimeRénov’ : From July 1, state aid for energy renovation no longer allows owners of housing classified F and G to benefit from the system to carry out a single action. A major renovation must be carried out: at least two types of insulation work or a change in heating method.

Unemployment insurance: The reform will come into effect on July 1. You now have to work eight months out of the last 20 months to receive unemployment benefit, compared to six months out of 24 months previously.

Geoffrey LOPES



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