Who are the deputies already elected in the first round?

Who are the deputies already elected in the first round?
Who are the deputies already elected in the first round?

Yesterday, Sunday June 30, 2024, several candidates were elected in the first round of the legislative elections. Among them, many Le Penists, as well as left-wing political figures.

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76 MPs obtained more than 50% of the votes, coming from at least 25% of the registered voters in their constituency. Here they are:

At least 39 Le Penists elected yesterday

Nearly forty elected officials from the RN won their seats in the hemicycle in the first round of the legislative elections. We can notably cite certain key figures of the party, such as Marine Le Pen, Sébastien Chenu and Julien Odoul. Among these candidates who received more than half of the votes are a large majority of outgoing deputies, but also new elected officials, like Eddy Casterman, defeater of Jean-Louis Bricout in the third constituency of Aisne.

Read also: Legislative 2024: 33% for the RN, 28% for the NFP, the final results are known

32 deputies from the New Popular Front elected in the first round

On the side of the New Popular Front, XX deputies won their place in the hemicycle yesterday. In Paris, the left emerged strengthened on Sunday from the first round of the legislative elections, sending nine deputies to the National Assembly. It’s a hit: out of the 18 constituencies in the capital, half saw New Popular Front candidates elected in the first round. Unsurprisingly, these are those located in eastern Paris, a bastion of the left where LFI had taken the lion’s share in 2022, with six deputies out of nine from the left. All (Aymeric Caron, Danièle Obono, Sarah Legrain, Sophia Chikirou and Rodrigo Arenas) were re-elected, with the exception of the dissident Danielle Simonnet, in a favorable ballot.

Find all the results of the 2024 legislative elections

The environmentalists also re-elected three deputies in the first round: Eva Sas and Sandrine Rousseau, outgoing, and Pouria Amirshahi. Finally, the Socialist Party, humiliated in 2017 during the Macronist wave (only one elected), then in 2022 by the Nupes agreement (no winnable constituency), regained a seat thanks to the first deputy Emmanuel Grégoire, elected against the Macronist Clément Beaune.

In Val-de-Marne, Mathilde Panot and Clémence Guetté were re-elected in the first round for LFI.

In the rest of France, Olivier Faure, first secretary of the Socialist Party, was re-elected in the 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne. In Marseille, Manuel Bompard In the West, finally, the outgoing PS deputy Mickaël Bouloux was re-elected yesterday in the 8th constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine. The same goes for Andy Kerbrat, NFP candidate in the 2e Loire-Atlantique constituency, which according to the first results was elected with 52.70% of the votes cast.

Only four majority deputies elected in the first round

The presidential majority is struggling. Only two of its candidates won their seats in the hemicycle after the first round: Pierre Cazeneuve in the 7th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine, and Mikaele Seo, in the 1st constituency of Wallis and Futuna.

On the right, Pierre Juvin, short-lived candidate for the LR nomination for the presidential election, was elected in Hauts-de-Seine.



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