After disastrous debate with Trump, New York Times calls on Biden not to seek second term

After disastrous debate with Trump, New York Times calls on Biden not to seek second term
After disastrous debate with Trump, New York Times calls on Biden not to seek second term

In an editorial published Friday, the New York Times editorial board called on President Joe Biden, 81, to withdraw from the race for the White House.

This call comes after the president’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump.

Despite this failure, Barack Obama assured his support for the current president.

The editorial board of the prestigious American newspaper New York Times on Friday called on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the race for the White House after his disastrous debate the day before against Donald Trump.

In an editorial published Friday evening and titled “to serve the country, President Biden must leave the race” at the White House, the New York Times described Joe Biden as “the shadow of a leader”, after the 81-year-old president “failed its own test.”

An unrecognizable man who has difficulty speaking

In this debate against Donald Trump, Joe Biden appeared unrecognizable, swallowed words, did not finish certain sentences and stared into space during the televised duel Thursday against his Republican predecessor.

“Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds opened by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden could perform today would be to announce that he will not seek reelection.”writes the New York Times.

Members of the Democratic Party also questioned Biden’s ability to take on a new term, which sparked a storm within the party, but Joe Biden assured Friday that he could “do the job”, receiving in the process the support of two of his predecessors Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Obama comes to Biden’s aid

Shortly after the debate, the former President of the United States rushed to Joe Biden’s aid. “Bad debates happen. Believe me, I know” he wrote on the social network “But this election remains a choice between someone who has fought his whole life for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself… Between someone who tells the truth, who distinguishes right from wrong (…) and someone who lies like a tooth puller for his own benefit… What happened last night is not going to change anything,” added Barack Obama, inviting voters to vote for Joe Biden next November.

The president assured all his supporters that he felt fully capable of leading this campaign until his possible re-election.. “I know that I am not a young man, I know that I no longer walk like I used to. I know that I no longer express myself as well as I used to, that I no longer debate as well. But I know something : I know how to tell the truth”, argued the president.

“I wouldn’t run again if I didn’t believe, with all my heart and soul, that I can do this job.” he added.

AS with AFP



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