Legislative: the New Popular Front candidates who came third will withdraw in the event of a triangular with the RN

Legislative: the New Popular Front candidates who came third will withdraw in the event of a triangular with the RN
Legislative: the New Popular Front candidates who came third will withdraw in the event of a triangular with the RN

According to the estimate of Ipsos-Talan for France Bleu, the left-wing alliance formed by the New Popular Front came in second place behind the RN in the first round of the legislative elections this Sunday. The presidential camp is in third place.

The Insoumis candidates who came third will withdraw in the event of a conflict with the RN

Speaking for France Insoumise, member of the New Popular Front, Jean-Luc Mélenchon announced that in the event of a triangular with the RN, the LFI candidates who came third in their constituency will withdraw their candidacy for the second round.

This election is a “heavy and indisputable defeat” for Emmanuel Macron, said Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The country is heading towards a second round”of exceptional intensity”. “We must give an absolute majority to the New Popular Front, because it is the only alternative”, estimated Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“In accordance with our principles, nowhere will we allow the RN to win,” he added. “We will withdraw our candidacy” in cases where the RN came first and the NFP in third position, announced Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “Our instructions are clear: not one vote, not one more seat for the RN”he insisted.

Putting RN and LFI on the same level is “unacceptable and unbearable”, denounces Manuel Bompard

Put on the same level RN or LFI is “unacceptable and unbearable”denounced Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of La France insoumise.

For Raphaël Glucksmann, “We have seven days to prevent France from experiencing a catastrophe”

“We have seven days to prevent France from experiencing a catastrophe,” launched Raphaël Glucksmann of the Place publique party, who called on all candidates who came in third place to withdraw from the RN. “What we do, what we say in the days, in the hours to come, will determine our place in the history of our country,” he added.

Marine Tondelier calls for “a new republican front”

The head of the Ecologists Marine Tondelier called, for her part, for the “construction of a new republican front”, directly challenging Emmanuel Macron’s camp. “It would be incomprehensible if some people continue not to differentiate between the left and the extreme right”she said, calling on the “centrist politicians” au “withdrawal if you are third in the triangulars, and if you are not qualified in the second round, call to vote for a candidate who defends republican values”.

François Ruffin calls on left-wing candidates to withdraw in the event of a triangular

François Ruffin also calls on the candidates of the New Popular Front who came in third place to withdraw in the event of a three-way race. In his constituency of the Somme, the outgoing MP for Picardie Debout was beaten by the candidate of the National Rally. The candidate Ensemble, Albane Branlant, came in third place. She announced in the evening that she was withdrawing “faced with the risk of the National Rally”.



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