Emmanuel Petit: “I think it’s this famous, this sad story of racism, which came to tarnish all that, and which definitively closed the doors of Willy in France”

Emmanuel Petit: “I think it’s this famous, this sad story of racism, which came to tarnish all that, and which definitively closed the doors of Willy in France”
Emmanuel Petit: “I think it’s this famous, this sad story of racism, which came to tarnish all that, and which definitively closed the doors of Willy in France”

In Rothen ignites on RMC, Emmanuel Petita former international player and consultant, returned to the case of Willy
who shines with Georgia while it was more mixed during his stay in France. The subject was the following:

French football accused of forgetting Willy Sagnol.

I really like Willy. We are often in contact, in fact we spoke again this Thursday. I congratulated him on the match against Portugal (2-0) and we have a fairly close relationship. On the contrary, I think he had his chance in France, both with the hopefuls but also at the club. I think it was this famous, this sad story of racism, which tarnished all that, which came to add to it and which closed Willy’s doors in France for good. This story completely crushed him, his image in fact. In fact, there were quite a few players who outbid him, who even went so far as to sink him. So he had opportunities in France and this story swept everything away with a wave of the hand. He had no choice but to go into exile and choose the rare offers he was able to get, notably Georgia. Did French football forget him after this story? From that moment on, because it happened at a time, even today, when you have to be very careful about what you can say or do. We judged the man, we no longer judged the coach. I remember the press conference after the historic qualification. All the journalists stand up and applaud, he is in tears. I found that he had found things that he sorely lacked in France, with Georgia. It is not just about trying to bounce back as a coach, but also about finding a certain uprightness on a human level. He has worked for over a year in a human environment, with people who trust him and who push him. So in a way, I am not going to say that it is surprising what is happening to him with Georgia, yes, because no one predicted what was going to happen with Georgia, but frankly I think it is a fair return of things. I hope that this will allow him to come back to Europe.”

Transcription Girondins4Ever



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