Crypto: Donald Trump receives $1 million donation from Kraken founder Jesse Powell

Crypto: Donald Trump receives $1 million donation from Kraken founder Jesse Powell
Crypto: Donald Trump receives $1 million donation from Kraken founder Jesse Powell
Jesse Powell to choose Trump over the current president to return to the White House.

Joe Biden and Democrats’ War on Cryptocurrency Must End

Indeed, the founder and president of the group Kraken made his support for the former president official via his X account. Jesse Powell also announced that he would be donating where 1 million dollarsmostly en ethers (ETH) – for the electoral campaign of the 45th US president, who would like to become the 47the next November.

“I just personally donated $1 million (mostly in ETH from Ethereum) to Donald Trump.
For too long, the crypto sector has been under attack from Elizabeth Warren, Gary Gensler and others. Despite considerable bipartisan efforts by Congress to put in place clear rules, the Biden White House has stood idly by and allowed a campaign of unchecked regulatory coercion. This approach diminishes the competitiveness of the United States as other major economies around the world come up with clear rules to regulate digital assets. (…) »

Jesse Powell, founder of Kraken

Compte X @jespow

Jesse Powell also announces in his message above that he is “excited to join other leaders in our community to Unite behind the only pro-crypto candidate of a major party” for the upcoming presidential election. And the founder of Kraken signs his message with a hashtag #freerossto remind Donald Trump that Presidential pardon of Ross Ulbricht, foundertor of Silk Road, would be appreciated. The latter has, in fact, been sentenced to lifeand has already served 10 years in prison, for having founded this black market (closed by the authorities in 2013) where Bitcoin (BTC) was used as currency.



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