Yesterday’s ceremony was a failure…”

Yesterday’s ceremony was a failure…”
Yesterday’s ceremony was a failure…”

Stoni steps up! The Miss Côte d’Ivoire 2024 ceremony is at the heart of a lively controversy.

Internet users deplore several shortcomings at several levels.

By wanting the event to be a success too much, they simply failed to do so, notes comedian Stoni.

“In wanting to go all out, yesterday’s ceremony was a failure on several levels. Already in the choice of the room.

Having a gala evening in such a room is a big risk.

I heard the president of COMICI say that Ivorians do not come quickly to the ceremonies.

But the room is not next door, especially given the standing of the targeted spectators.

And then Mr. Yapobi knows well that it is more the authorities who delay the start of the ceremonies.

The layout of the room in a gala dinner format with people remaining in the seats at the back was not a pretty sight. When you consider that people paid 50 thousand for tickets and found themselves in the stands. Many were not happy about this fact.

The ceremony itself was dull and tasteless.

Even though the images broadcast by RTI were of good quality, I found the various transition video elements to be lacking in dynamics. A voiceover could have captivated viewers better than background music.

Regarding the jury, I liked the entry of the former Miss Sery Dorcas and the creator and stylist Gilles Touré, but I have the impression that this quality jury failed in the choice of the top 5.

There was no more suspense, because the candidates who could compete with Miss Sud-Comoé were eliminated.

The Miss elected could not be anyone else, because already among the favorites at the end of the first rounds, she imposed herself hands down. Which did not seem obvious before the top 5.

Finally, the trio announcement.

If skeptics already found the results of the Miss elections biased, this episode of VAR gives them food for thought. Inconceivable at this stage after long checks to announce a trio, then to withdraw and withdraw a candidate.

It is a humiliation for this girl. In truth, from year to year, Miss Ivory Coast loses her splendor by trying too hard to give her the glamour of European competitions.

I would have preferred an orchestra to perform than some artists who, without being disrespectful, dampened the little dynamism that remained in yesterday’s ceremony.

It seems that guest artists are chosen based on relationships. Mylène’s tearful exit was the only emotion I experienced yesterday.

Apart from these facts, the makeup, hairstyles, appearance of the girls were better groomed this year.

They made a huge effort in the speeches, the length of the ceremony was acceptable even with the late start. COMICI must review its notes for next year”declared Stoni on the Miss Côte d’Ivoire evening.

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