Trump full of confidence, Biden confused… What to remember from the debate? Who could emerge victorious?

Trump full of confidence, Biden confused… What to remember from the debate? Who could emerge victorious?
Trump full of confidence, Biden confused… What to remember from the debate? Who could emerge victorious?

“Inflation is killing our country”

“Inflation is killing our country,” said the 78-year-old former Republican president from the outset, extremely comfortable, repeating an argument that he knows resonates with Americans. However, many economists believe that the former president’s program risks, if he returns to the White House, causing prices to skyrocket again.

Joe Biden “did a bad job,” the Republican billionaire also said. “He caused inflation. I left him a country with almost no inflation, it was perfect,” Donald Trump further lamented.

Joe Biden accused his predecessor of having “really decimated the economy. That’s why there was no inflation.” “We are working to lower the prices of products on the kitchen table, and we will succeed,” assured the Democrat.

“Terrible” action against abortion rights

The 81-year-old Democrat, whose voice often sounded hoarse in front of the cameras of CNN, the channel hosting the debate, attacked a subject that he knows is delicate for the billionaire, criticizing him for his “terrible” action against the right to abortion. The American Supreme Court, profoundly reworked by the former president, overturned in June 2022 the famous Roe v. Wade jurisprudence which guaranteed the federal right of American women to abort, giving each state back its freedom to legislate on the issue. Around twenty American states have since adopted bans or restrictions on abortion.

Joe Biden has argued that Donald Trump would be willing to enact a law, if passed by a future Republican Congress, to ban abortion nationwide or restrict it to “six, seven, eight or ten weeks” of pregnancy, “something very conservative.” Donald Trump has defended that this issue should now return to the states: “It’s the vote of the people,” he said.

“I believe in exceptions in cases of rape, incest”, and danger for “the life of the mother”, he added. “I think it’s very important. For some no, follow your heart. »

“Lies” about immigration

Joe Biden also accused Donald Trump of “lying” by claiming that illegal immigration was causing crime to spike. “There is no data to support what he says,” Joe Biden said, while immigration is one of the main issues of this presidential campaign. “Once again he is exaggerating, he is lying.”

Trump, a “reconvict”

The Democrat recalled that his opponent was a “reconvict”, after being found guilty in a case of hidden payments to a former porn actress, and judged that he had the “moral sense of a depraved person”. , repeatedly calling him a “whiny.”

“I did nothing wrong,” replied the former president, charged in several other cases, claiming that the judicial system was “rigged”.

Trump refuses to unconditionally recognize the result of the presidential election

The Republican, who never conceded defeat in 2020, did not commit to unconditionally recognizing the verdict of the polls in November, assuring that he would accept it if the election was “fair and equitable”.

Donald Trump, without going as far as the insults with which he peppers his campaign speeches, affirmed that his rival was “not cut out” to be president, and presented him as a weak leader. The war in Ukraine would never have happened if the United States had a “leader,” he said. The Republican candidate was very critical of the billions of dollars spent by the United States to support kyiv in its war against Moscow.

Attacks from all directions

“He has become like a Palestinian, but they don’t like him because he is a very bad Palestinian. A weak (Palestinian), launched Donald Trump, in reference to Joe Biden’s policy in the face of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The former president challenged Joe Biden to take a “cognitive test,” boasting that he had taken two himself and “shone,” before praising his golfing prowess while his rival smirked.

For his part, Joe Biden accused his rival of being a “poor guy”, a “loser” and of having no morals. “You have the moral sense of a depraved person,” said the outgoing president.

What effect on votes?

The debate, barring surprises, should not move the lines much, in a country where political polarization is extreme. But the stakes are no less enormous: if one of the two candidates manages to attract a few independent voters, this could be enough to give him the advantage in November, as the election promises to be close.



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