Trump’s vice presidential candidates prepare to give rave reviews of his debate performance

Trump’s vice presidential candidates prepare to give rave reviews of his debate performance
Trump’s vice presidential candidates prepare to give rave reviews of his debate performance

Tonight’s presidential debate will have no audience, but will feature potential candidates Donald Trump His running mates will be nearby anyway, ready to tell the world what an incredible job he’s done — in the hopes of clinching the vice presidential nomination.

Senators JD Vance, Marco Rubio, et Tim Scott, as well as representatives Elise Stefanik et Byron Donalds, Governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum, and former HUD Secretary Ben Carson— all of whom are reportedly under consideration for the number two spot — are reportedly watching the CNN debate at a party in Atlanta hosted by the former Georgia senator. Kelly Loeffler and her husband, with help from the RNC co-chairs; tickets cost $10,000 per couple, or a whopping $25,000 to sit at a table with the vice presidential candidates. And as “Politico Playbook” noted today:

Tonight it won’t just be about Trump and Biden’s performances. The former president now has less than three weeks to choose a vice presidential candidate — and you can bet the former TV-obsessed Apprentice The star will observe the performance of each aspiring vice president on his shortlist in the post-debate spin rooms.

No matter how the former president performs in the debate, vice presidential hopefuls will no doubt insist that he ran circles around Biden, whom Trump and his allies have claimed for weeks he would be under the influence of drugs tonight. (Speaker of the House of Representatives) Mike Johnson, daring to break with Trump, said Tuesday that, contrary to what the former president suggested, “no one expects that Joe Biden will be on cocaine,” he added, however, that Biden might “be high on some kind of energy drink or something.”

In an interview with Fox and his friends On Wednesday, vice presidential candidate Vance suggested he would be able to easily beat Kamala Harris on the debate stage. Asked about his past criticism of Trump, which has been replaced by incessant kissing, the Ohio lawmaker said: “I just think the results (of his first term) have been so good.”



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