Mélenchon announces that LFI candidates who came third will withdraw where the RN is in the lead

Mélenchon announces that LFI candidates who came third will withdraw where the RN is in the lead
Mélenchon announces that LFI candidates who came third will withdraw where the RN is in the lead

The leader of La France Insoumise clearly calls for a blockade against the National Rally and announces that the candidates of the New Popular Front who come third will withdraw in the event of a three-way race.

The message is clear: the left alliance will block the National Rally, which came first in the first round of the legislative elections, this Sunday, June 30. “There will not be one voice, not one more seat for the National Rally,” insisted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of France Insoumise, welcoming “the commitment of youth and working-class neighborhoods” for this ballot.

“We are heading towards a second round of exceptional intensity,” predicted Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The LFI leader called for “giving an absolute majority to the New Popular Front because it is the only alternative” in the event of a duel against the National Rally. According to him, the country is faced with a choice: “Will it aggravate the worst of its divisions (…) or will it reform to form only one people (…)? This is the second round pick.”

>> 2024 legislative elections: the complete results

In the event of a triangular, Jean-Luc Mélenchon assured that “in accordance with our principles and our constant positions”, “nowhere will we allow the National Rally to win. And this is why, in the event that he would have come first and we would be in third position, we will withdraw our candidacy.”

“In all circumstances and wherever it may be, our instructions are simple, direct and clear. Not one vote, not one more seat for the RN,” insisted the LFI leader.

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