the New Popular Front in second position

Manon Aubry, at the HQ of the New Popular Front, in Paris, Sunday June 30, 2024. LAURENCE GEAI/MYOP FOR “LE MONDE”

Hastily assembled, the New Popular Front, which brings together the Socialist Party (PS), the Communist Party (PC), the Ecologists, La France insoumise (LFI) and Raphaël Glucksmann’s party, Place publique, ultimately did better than the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes) in June 2022. In the first round of these early legislative elections, it obtained 28.1% votes, falling behind the National Rally (RN) and its allies and ahead of Together, the presidential coalition, according to the first estimates from the Ipsos Talan institute for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24-RFI and LCP National Assembly. And this in a context of high participation – it is estimated between 67.5 and 69.7% by the various polling institutes, compared to 47.5% in 2022.

Read also | Live, 2024 legislative results: the left calls on its third-placed candidates to withdraw in order to defeat the RN, LR does not give voting instructions

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For this election night, the PS, the environmentalists and the “insoumis” initially planned to meet in separate campaign HQs, before meeting together at Place de la République in Paris from 10 p.m. Once again united, the left seems to be taking advantage of the strong mobilization against the far right and the collapse of the presidential coalition. The picture is therefore very different from the 2022 elections. In the first round of the 2022 legislative elections, the Nupes, concluded in thirteen days and thirteen nights, whose slogan was “Jean-Luc Mélenchon Prime Minister”, captured 25.7% of the votes and 5.8 million voters. It was close behind the presidential camp and its 25.8% of the votes. The RN was then in third position (18.7%).

In the second round, Nupes attracted 31.6% of the vote (6.5 million votes). Finally, the left-wing coalition entered the National Assembly with 131 of the 577 seats. How far will the New Popular Front succeed in breaking through? Its momentum will depend on withdrawals during the three-way, or even the four-way, races and on the voting instructions given by Emmanuel Macron. Until then, the President of the Republic had rather advocated the “Ni-ni”neither RN nor LFI. A line that has caused coughing even in his own camp, while 220 political and civil society figures called in a forum for Monde to accept withdrawals for the benefit of the candidate best placed against the RN. Only Jean-Luc Mélenchon had distanced himself, saying « certain » on LCI, that “no “rebellious” voter will ever give their vote to the RN”. Opening the possibility for its voters to abstain or vote blank in the second round of these legislative elections, scheduled for Sunday July 7.

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