Legislative elections in Brittany: these three seats that the RN wants to swing

Legislative elections in Brittany: these three seats that the RN wants to swing
Legislative elections in Brittany: these three seats that the RN wants to swing

The constituency of Pontivy (56), that of Hennebont-Gourin (56) and that of Redon (35). Here are the Breton objectives of the National Rally in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. After its historic breakthrough in the region in the European elections, and particularly in these rural territories, the far-right party begins to dream of what it knew was out of reach two years ago: electing RN deputies in Brittany . This would be unprecedented.

“The dikes have blown,” wants to believe Gilles Pennelle, leader of the movement in the regional council and now MEP. After having resisted the push of the RN for a long time, the very centrist Brittany would have given in in turn, having put Jordan Bardella in the lead in the European elections on June 9. The candidate exceeded 20% in most Breton constituencies, with the exception of Rennes. By repeating these scores in the first round of the legislative elections, the RN could qualify its candidates in many Breton territories, believes the Breton elected official. “There is a real groundswell. Voters ready to vote for us will return to the polls thinking that things can really change this time. »

What remains of the “republican front” in Brittany?

The optimism displayed by Gilles Pennelle is largely a matter of strategy. Faithful to his message hammered out for months, the one who is also number 2 in the party at the national level is trying to establish the idea of ​​an inevitable victory for the RN. In Brittany, this is far from being achieved. 74% of Breton voters did not vote for Marine Le Pen’s movement in the European elections. The left remains strong in the peninsula, and takes the lead in most constituencies in Brittany, if we add up the votes of the parties now united within the New Popular Front. And, since June 9, the issues have changed. This time, it is about determining who will govern the country.

Still, the hypothesis of the election of Breton RN deputies cannot be ruled out, according to this keen observer of the electoral map. “It is possible in some rural areas, notably in Morbihan and Ille-et-Vilaine,” he confirms. He also cites Pontivy, Gourin and Redon, where the union of the left will be supported by LFI. In the event of duels with the RN, nothing says that centrist voters will form a “republican front” by voting massively for activists of the radical left. Another scenario: triangulars, with the NFP and the presidential majority. It would then be enough for the RN candidate to finish at the top of the second round to be elected. So many scenarios which underline the unprecedented uncertainty of the upcoming election.



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