Is CADEMA on the verge of cessation of payments or not?

Is CADEMA on the verge of cessation of payments or not?
Is CADEMA on the verge of cessation of payments or not?

Following the sentencing of the president of CADEMA (Dembéni-Mamoudzou Urban Community) to 4 years of ineligibility, applicable immediately, there was a general commotion in the house. An emergency meeting of the community council was organized this Tuesday by the 1is vice-president Nassuf-Eddine Daroueche. We contacted him to find out in what context he was acting, and to what extent current projects, including Caribus public transport, could be threatened. It is a chaotic situation that he reveals to us.

“I wanted the members of the community council to meet urgently around three points: to get news of Rachadi Saindou from his close friends on the council, to educate on matters of law and to explain that even if he appeal, he is no longer president of CADEMA, and finally, explain that we are waiting for notification from the prefect so that I can take over the interim role. One of the elected officials of CADEMA contacted us to report his impatience for this notification to stem any management decision that would harm the interests of the structure.

The Caribus site secured by an additional budget

Once notified, Nassif-Eddine will have 2 months to convene the election of the president and the office, “I specify that I am not a candidate for president”, immediately indicates the one who is in charge of community planning and the project of territory to CADEMA. On the other hand, he has an opinion on the composition of the new council: “I will propose an opening to the municipal majority of Mamoudzou”. Up to entrusting them with the presidency? “For this position, I would like to see the mayor of Dembéni, currently vice-president in charge of economic development at CADEMA, and propose vice-presidents to the commune of Mamoudzou.”

“We must save CADEMA”

In any case, the future president must have a strong character, with complicated decisions to make, Nassuf-Eddine Daroueche reveals to us: “We must save CADEMA, we are close to stopping payments. We have to make savings, and since we cannot decently increase taxes, we will have to significantly reduce spending and prioritize ongoing projects. »

A state of affairs which he considers catastrophic and which he attributes to poor management which he compares to that of his predecessor to whom he remained close. “The wage bill has exploded, the former mayor of Mamoudzou Mohamed Majani left an urban community where 36 employees worked, when there are now more than a hundred.” And these recruitments are not linked to current projects, he explains, “recently, there have only been C category hires”. And therefore apparently fictitious jobs if the judgment is to be believed.

Mohamed Majani, the 1st president of CADEMA

During the inauguration with great fanfare of the Passamainty multimodal exchange hub, Rachadi Saindou told us that he had started the takeover of the fishing cooperative, Copemay, through a partnership agreement. When we asked him about his financing capacity, he retorted, “it’s not a question of budget”. This is not the opinion of his 1is vice president, “there were exorbitant expenses, especially during the inaugurations. »

So many elements which led to disagreement between the two men, Rachadi Saindou having also done everything to distance the municipality of Mamoudzou from CADEMA by preempting the presidency during the last municipal elections as we remember, and his vice-president, having remained close to Majani.

“A lot of people don’t want to see me come back”

We managed to contact Rachadi Saindou, who is absent from the territory. According to him, no financial difficulties, “for me everything is fine, until proven otherwise”. He explains that he is not surprised by the judgment which he attributes solely to the prosecutor, “with this prosecutor, justice in Mayotte reproduces the era of Nelson Mandela”, implying colonial justice, and ignoring the judges who deliver the deliberations. , “it was already written. » He reports having filed a complaint in the name of CADEMA against authors whom he accuses of illegal taking of interest, “but they are close to the macronie, will they be judged? »

Tourism, one of the major projects to be carried out

The priority question that we asked Nassuf-Eddine Daroueche is of course the continuation of major projects. “We continue to decline the territorial project which was adopted in 2018 by the Majani-Jouwaou pair (former mayor of Dembéni, editor’s note). They had secured major projects like Caribus through an additional budget, therefore secure, so they will continue their momentum. » Other major projects concern waste collection, water management, the Tourist Office, etc.

Let us recall that Rachadi Saindou has decided to appeal the court’s decision, with the judicial time which is not modeled on that of the projects, and while waiting to know if he could one day return to chair CADEMA, it will be with a community council probably enriched with elected officials from Mamoudzou, who will not necessarily be favorable to it. “A lot of people don’t want to see me return to CADEMA,” reports the now former president who definitely has a lot of enemies.

Within two months, we should in any case know the new configuration of the team which will preside over the destiny of the most important EPCI (Public Establishment for Intercommunal Cooperation) in Mayotte.

Anne Perzo-Lafond



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