“Fortunately, the bank allowed me an overdraft,” explains Bernadette, who lives on a pension of 980 euros

“Fortunately, the bank allowed me an overdraft,” explains Bernadette, who lives on a pension of 980 euros
“Fortunately, the bank allowed me an overdraft,” explains Bernadette, who lives on a pension of 980 euros

“I had six with my first husband and five with the second. Each time, I believed in happiness…” Bernadette unfortunately lost the second. “I have been living alone for eleven years now. »

“I’m waiting until it’s taken to see what I have left”

Now aged 79, the Rémoise lives frugally in a small apartment near Avenue de Laon. The ex-seamstress receives a pension of 980.79 euros, to which is added an additional 30.80 euros. ” That’s all. »

And every month, it’s the same story. “I’m waiting until it’s taken to see what I have left. » In this case, not much.

His rent, personalized housing assistance (APL) deducted: 189.90 euros. The heaviest of its bills, the energy bill: 223.45 euros. “In other words, I can’t do it. That’s why I went to see the social worker to ask her for advice. Since the book came out, everything has increased. »

Far from being discouraged, Bernadette “Try to find some stuff.” The bank authorized me to overdraft 150 euros. Fortunately ! Which allows me to touch my savings as little as possible”. Let us point out that she saves… 30 euros per month.

“I deprive myself of everything I can”

SO ? “So, I manage, I do what I can. When you have nothing, you make do with what you have! » Rémoise goes to Secours populaire once a month. When she goes shopping at the supermarket, she buys the least expensive groceries and items with short dates.

“I’m not on a diet, I eat my fill. But I deprive myself of everything I can: fish, meat, chocolate. Even though I love Mon Chéri! » What does she eat most often? “Fruits and vegetables, chicken and Laughing Cows. » And salivate at the idea of ​​tasting roast beef. “But I don’t cook much. I have a small electric oven that I don’t use. It would cost me too much in electricity. »

His children help him ” a lot. They are the ones who pay my hairdresser for special occasions”. The one she calls her adopted son too. “As his job is to clean the market places, he shares with me what the traders give him. »

And then there is Claudine, 82 years old since May 27. “With my girlfriend, we work things out. We buy things together like a little pie to celebrate an event. With apples of course, because it’s cheaper. We also sometimes buy ourselves a kebab for two. It’s a change from potatoes, rice and pasta. »

“With the RN, things could get better”

That afternoon, Claudine spends the afternoon with Bernadette. The TV is on, the news is playing on repeat. “Sometimes I watch game shows. I can answer all the questions! I should enter to win an exercise bike. »

Seeing President Macron on the small screen, the Rémoise exclaims: “Ah la la, he must not look good in his socks!” But I’m not surprised that the RN passed. »

She recognizes her new penchant for the party of Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen. “I tell myself that with them, things could be better. » Above all, she doesn’t ask too much: “Let them lower bills and increase pensions. Fifty euros more per month wouldn’t be bad. »

“A bowl of shells and then there you go… Or how to live on a pension of 877 euros per month”, by Bernadette with Charlotte Leloup at Éditions Flammarion.



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