Day of awareness and sharing around water in Monfort and Homps

Day of awareness and sharing around water in Monfort and Homps
Day of awareness and sharing around water in Monfort and Homps

On the initiative of its president, Guy Mantovani, the joint syndicate for the management of the Astarac and Lomagne rivers (Sygral) organized, on Thursday June 6, a day of awareness and sharing with local stakeholders (institutional and associative) who intervene in the different areas of water: drinking water, sanitation, agricultural use, nature recreation, biodiversity, flooding, etc.

This participatory approach aimed at better defining the overall action of the union in terms of water management at the watershed level, encouraged and supported by the Adour Garonne Water Agency, took place on the banks of the Arrats, in the municipalities of Homps and Monfort, and enabled around thirty participants to be mobilized in this first workshop.

The morning took place on the banks of the Orbe and the Arrats, with several speakers (Association for development, planning and services in environment and agriculture of the Gers (Adasea du Gers); Trees and Landscapes; Architecture Council environmental urban planning (CAUE); water development and management plan (SAGE), Neste and rivers of Gascony etc.), which made it possible to address and illustrate various issues of the territory linked to the water and its uses, in a context of climate change. In the afternoon, the discussions continued in the room, with the sharing of different points of view on the vast subject of water.

Guy Mantovani said he was very satisfied with this day which allowed local stakeholders to get to know each other better, to better identify each other’s missions and constraints and, where appropriate, to share a common vision on certain related territory issues. with water and aquatic environments.

A 2nd workshop will be organized next September.



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