Gary Bettman doesn’t respect Connor McDavid

Gary Bettman, the commissioner of the National Hockey League, has once again created controversy following an interview on ESPN with the famous Stephen A Smith.

Questioned by North America’s best-known journalist about Connor McDavid, Bettman delivered answers that were disconcerting to say the least.

When asked to comment on what McDavid means to hockey today, Bettman responded:

“He is a true star player. Most pundits and fans believe he’s the best player in the world, and he just might be…I think he’s the best scorer in the playoffs…” – comments which immediately provoked a negative reaction.

It’s clear that McDavid is more than just an All-Star; he is unanimously recognized as the best hockey player in the world and perhaps even of all time. Bettman’s vague and hesitant remarks only amplified the criticism.

Furthermore, Bettman seemed uncertain in saying that McDavid is the best scorer in the playoffs, which is a well-known fact.

McDavid is by far the leading scorer in the 2024 playoffs, with a 10-point lead over second-highest scorer Evan Bouchard.

The disappointment was palpable among fans, who expected more assertive responses from the commissioner. For many, even a hockey fan would have spoken better of McDavid.

The situation didn’t improve when Bettman tried to justify McDavid’s importance to the American public:

“Especially for our fans in the United States, it gives them an opportunity to see Connor McDavid, to see the intensity, and I think it’s good for the sport because he plays in Edmonton, and because he plays in Edmonton, he is not as recognized in the United States as he can be, for example in Canada. »

This statement only reinforced the impression that Bettman favors the American market, a recurring criticism of him.

Some even wonder if he regrets McDavid playing in Edmonton. In fact, it’s clear that Bettman is upset because McDavid is playing in Canada.

This interview left a very negative impression. Many feel that Gary Bettman, when talking about Connor McDavid, seemed strangely detached and uninformed, as if he had never really followed a hockey game.

Not for nothing does he want to know anything about Quebec City. This commissioner knows nothing about hockey.



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