On X, you will need to be a subscriber to broadcast a live video

The social network X, formerly known as Twitter, continues its transformation towards a paid economic model. With Elon Musk at its helm, who recently raised a staggering $6 billion for his AI company (xAI), the platform is implementing significant changes aimed at increasing its revenue. One of the latest changes is live video streaming, which will soon be limited to premium subscribers. Find out the details of this development and its implications for users.

A live broadcast reserved for subscribers… without any particular reason put forward

X.com has just announced news that will certainly mark the world of social networks. The platform has communicated that soon, only premium subscribers will be able to enjoy the live video streaming functionality. This includes not only simple live broadcasts, but also those made from an encoder with X integration.

X’s Live account briefly stated in a message: “ Soon, only Premium subscribers will be able to live stream video on X. This includes live streaming from an encoder with X integration. Upgrade to Premium to continue live streaming. » This announcement marks a turning point in X’s strategy to encourage users to subscribe to the paid subscription.

Note that this functionality, rather popular on the social network . This new restriction will surely limit this practice, and make it easier to identify the users behind these unauthorized streaming shares.

For the moment, no official explanation has been given by management regarding this new policy. It nevertheless seems obvious that the objective is to make the premium subscription more attractive by adding exclusive features. Subscribers already benefit from several benefits, such as access toGenerative AI Grok by Elon Musk.

Until now, Elon Musk’s teams focused on creating new paid tools. However, with this new direction, X could gradually monetize various existing options of the platform, thus making the premium subscription essential for a complete experience.

Here are the details of the paid offers from the social network X (formerly Twitter) which will allow you to broadcast videos

The economic model of Twitter towards X: an acceleration of monetization

The move from live streaming to the paid model is part of a broader strategy by X to potentially become the first predominantly paid social network. This transition reflects Elon Musk’s desire to improve X’s finances, which suffer from chronic deficits. By monetizing previously free features, the platform seeks to maximize its revenue and provide added value to its premium subscribers.

Non-subscribed users will therefore have to reconsider their use of the platform or opt for a subscription in order to continue to benefit from all the functionalities. This approach could radically transform the way users interact with X, favoring a business model based on paid subscriptions rather than free, ad-supported services.

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