Leuhan. The price of water will increase

Leuhan. The price of water will increase
Leuhan. The price of water will increase

The municipal council of Leuhan (Finistère) met on Thursday June 20, 2024. Several subjects were discussed. We take stock.

Amortization periods for water and sanitation service budgets

The mayor and elected officials raised the issue of setting amortization periods for water and sanitation service budgets.

The transfer of “water and sanitation” skills is scheduled for 1er January 2025, for the benefit of the Community of Communes of Haute Cornouaille (CCHC).

In the context, all fixed assets must be made available: the asset now used by CCHC must be able to be depreciated according to its foreseeable duration of use.

Today, it is appropriate to agree on the depreciation periods based on the assets acquired from the management companies. explains the mayor, Michel Le Roux.

Elected officials thus discussed the depreciation period for water towers, pipes, water supplies and operating equipment.

7 elected officials abstained from voting on this point

Read also: Legislative elections 2024. Radioscopy of the largest constituency in Finistère, Carhaix-Châteaulin

Water prices increase

The council then discussed the rates for water and sanitation services for 2024.

We cost €2,200 to wash the three water tanks. We used a company for this. We had problems with the pumps and a leak on the Kertaniou water tower. We have costs worth €6,000”explained the mayor.

To make up for these costs, I propose an increase in the price of water to 2% and an increase in the price of meter connections. There are a lot of costs to install these meters.

The price of water will cost €1.21 per m³ for 2024 instead of €1.19 in 2023.

2 elected officials abstained from voting.

School fees unchanged

The price of meals, daycare and swimming pool will remain unchanged for the year and the 2024 school year.

Commitment to the 500,000 trees plan

The mayor proposes that the town commit to the 500,000 tree plan by planting fruit trees in several places in the town, notably below the school, in the corner of school street.

The municipality will make a subsidy request to the Departmental Council.

Subsidies to associations

€4,632 will be donated to associations for 2024.



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