Top 5 worst soft drinks for your health

The Pepsi


A 33 cl can of Pepsi contains no less than 35 g of sugar, which is equivalent to 7 pieces. And 15 mg of sodium. According to a study published by a team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, consuming one to two cans of sugary drinks per day increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 26%. We understand better why.





A 33 cl can of Coca-Cola also contains 35 g of sugar, or 7 pieces. This dose corresponds to 70% of the daily sugar intake recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). These figures are all the more worrying given that 2.8 billion bottles or cans of Coca-Cola are sold worldwide every day. According to the National Food Safety Agency (ANSES), we should not consume more than one glass of sugary drink per day.

Each additional glass of sugary drink per day is associated with weight gain of around 200 grams per year », Specifies ANSES. But beyond weight gain, it is the risks of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases that are at stake.

The Red Bull


A 25 cl can of Red Bull contains 27.5 g of sugar, or 5.5 pieces. But the real problem with this drink is not so much that it is sweet, but that it contains substances harmful to the heart, in particular caffeine or taurine. This amino acid can significantly reduce insomnia and lead to physical and brain hyperactivity.

According to a study conducted by a team of researchers at Purdue University in Indiana, mixing alcohol with this type of energy drink has effects on the brains of adolescents similar to those of cocaine. Already in 2013, ANSES had already highlighted the dangers of combining alcohol with energy drinks, a mixture which could “ cause serious cardiac events “.

Schweppes Indian Tonic


Despite its bitter taste, Schweppes is very sweet. In a 33 cl can of Schweppes Indian Tonic, there is no less than 28.7 g of sugar, or 5.7 pieces. If you thought you could replace your can of Coca-Cola with Schweppes, then that’s not a good idea. To lose weight, you must therefore give up these sugary carbonated drinks.

And if you wanted to turn to light, know that the Japanese group Suntory which owns Schweppes did not choose aspartame, which is at the heart of many controversies, but sucralosean artificial sweetener that contains zero calories but is suspected of being carcinogenic.

The 7up


A 33 cl can of 7up contains 34.3 g of sugar, or 6.9 pieces. A significant amount of sugar. But sugar isn’t the only culprit.

Unlike many sugary soft drinks, 7up contains no caffeine, and that’s a good thing since caffeine is a substance that decreases calcium absorption, it is therefore not recommended for children and should not be consumed in large quantities by teenagers. Furthermore, sodas do not have a direct effect on the feeling of satiety, so they cannot be used to suppress hunger.



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