LIVE – Legislative elections: D-6 before the first round of elections

LIVE – Legislative elections: D-6 before the first round of elections
LIVE – Legislative elections: D-6 before the first round of elections

This Monday, there are six days before the first round of the legislative elections.

On Sunday, President Emmanuel Macron assured that he had heard the desire for “change”, and specified that he “would act until May 2027”.

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2024 legislative elections



The Prime Minister castigated the facade of the “purchasing power party” of the National Rally, believing that all the measures announced by the far-right party had finally been withdrawn from its program.



Gabriel Attal defended his record in terms of security, recalling the “thousands of hiring” of law enforcement officers over Emmanuel Macron’s two mandates, while conceding that this remained “insufficient”.



The Prime Minister recalled that his camp is the only one not to consider a tax increase, recalling in particular the abolition of the housing tax.



“It is the choice of the President of the Republic”, evaded Gabriel Attal on Europe 1 and BFM, regarding the rushed timetable for early elections.



“Don’t resign yourself to choosing between the National Rally and rebellious France,” said Gabriel Attal, guest of Laurence Ferrari on CNews and Europe 1.



To the question of whether he could be Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the left in the legislative elections, Laurent Berger’s answer could not be clearer. “No, I made the choice to withdraw from public life (…) I made this choice to embrace a career in the private sector. Today, my duty is to speak, and I can assure you one thing, it is that my life, as it is today, including professionally, it is a life that satisfies me and I am very happy where I am”, declared the former secretary general of the CFDT.

“What I want is not to live in a country that would be governed and presided over by the National Rally,” added Laurent Berger to our colleagues from France 2 this Monday morning.

Laurent Berger will not go to Matignon if the left winsSource : TF1 Info



The campaign for the legislative elections is taking place on social networks. Young voters are particularly targeted by the National Rally and the New Popular Front. But is liking the same as voting? This is what the TF1 report asks to see here ⬇️

2024 legislative elections
Published today at 8:00 a.m.


“I believe I correspond to the line which is defended by the majority of right-wing voters. It has been almost a fantasy for years for right-wing voters to be able to ally themselves with the National Rally, because we have 90 % of points of convergence, because we have an emergency in the country, there are French people who are suffering, and we want to respond to all these emergencies”, explains on LCI Guilhem Carayon, candidate for the LR alliance -RN in Tarn and president of Jeunes LR.

Guilhem Carayon, president of Jeunes LR, on LCISource : TF1 Info



“This is the first text that I hope Parliament will continue to examine.” Yael Braun-Pivet expressed his attachment to the end-of-life bill, the debate on which was stopped short by the dissolution of the National Assembly.



Yael Braun-Pivet hopes for a “clear majority” of a “grand coalition” for normal functioning of the National Assembly after July 7. She considered that the previous mandate had demonstrated that consensus was possible, recalling that she was not responsible for the use of article 49-3 by the government.



The expression “woodlice” to designate the president’s advisors made the outgoing president of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet “smile” on France Inter. Without using the expression as her own, she also castigated advisers who were “far from the concerns of the French”.



“Mr. Bardella has never managed anything (…) He has never been mayor, I don’t believe that he has ever managed an association or a company. I think we have someone very inexperienced and I believe I know that it takes a little experience, all the same, to lead a country like France”, estimated Gérald Darmanin this Monday, interviewed by our colleagues at RTL. “This great inexperience makes me, personally, very afraid,” added the Minister of the Interior.



“We are going to reduce the possibilities of being French, like that, by whistling,” explained Sébastien Chenu on TF1, specifying the program of the National Rally. He thus indicated that he did not plan to put an end to dual nationality, but to remove dual nationals from sensitive positions.



The vice-president of the National Rally, Sébastien Chenu questioned the presidential credibility, the day after Emmanuel Macron’s “letter to the French”, during his interview in Bonjour!, on TF1. He considered that the tenant of the Élysée was “weakened”, recalling that several of his allies had recently distanced themselves.



Hello and welcome to this live broadcast devoted throughout the day to the political news of the legislative elections, the first round of which will be held this Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Sunday June 23, a week before the first round of legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron published a letter in the regional daily press. He swore to“act until May 2027”and promised “much stronger and firmer responses” on “insecurity, impunity”. “The next government will have to overhaul childhood policy, better protect our young people and fight more strongly against all discrimination”he also pleaded, noting the “strong demand for social justice”. Above all, by saying measure “the democratic malaise”the head of state admitted that “the way of governing must change profoundly”.

Gabriel Attal said he expected this election “an additional legitimation” which would strengthen him in his position. An advantage that he intends to exploit through a change “in the practice of power”he assured on the stage of the Grand Jury RTL/M6/Le Figaro. “The message that was sent to us” with the Europeans “it is also obviously that in the method, in the governance, we must do better (…) by seeking coalitions with the French, with civil society”he detailed.

Saturday evening, Jean-Luc Mélenchon reiterated his “intention to govern this country”. “If I have a message to convey, it is that Jean-Luc Mélenchon (…), if he wants to be of service to the New Popular Front, he must put himself aside, he must shut up”, ex-president François Hollande, himself a candidate in Corrèze, squealed in return on Sunday in front of journalists. Mr. Mélenchon responded to François Hollande, from Montpellier where he was holding a meeting, by asserting that “popularity is not on the side he thinks”as boos were heard from the audience when he mentioned the former president’s name.

The national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel, for his part, issued a press release protesting that a possible entry into Matignon of Mr. Mélenchon had not “never the subject of an agreement by the New Popular Front”. “It’s false and unbearable”he protested.

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On the side of the RN, Sébastien Chenu affirmed that “slaughter without stunning”to which Marine Le Pen has long been opposed, to produce halal or kosher meat, would remain authorized in the event of the RN coming to power.

The Ifop-Fiducal study broadcast on Sunday by LCI and TF1info reveals that one week before the first round, the duel between the New Popular Front and the National Rally is confirmed. The candidates nominated by the far-right party received 35.5% of voting intentions (+0.5). They continue to widen the gap with the left-wing alliance of the New Popular Front, whose momentum seems to be stagnating to collect 29% of voting intentions, as it has every day since Thursday. The majority camp is falling, with one point less than Thursday, and remains at 21% of voting intentions under the Ensemble banner.

The editorial staff of TF1info



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