RTL INFO – Murder of Federico Aramburu by two former GUD members: the judges’ investigation is over

RTL INFO – Murder of Federico Aramburu by two former GUD members: the judges’ investigation is over
RTL INFO – Murder of Federico Aramburu by two former GUD members: the judges’ investigation is over

6:10 a.m., March 19, 2022, Paris. Former Argentinian rugby international Federico Martin Aramburu lies on the asphalt of Boulevard Saint-Germainhit by six gunshots, three of them in the back. At his side, his Irish partner Shaun Hegarty, also a former rugby player, was unharmed. He saw his best friend die before his eyes, with whom he had set up a travel agency specializing in rugby in the Basque Country. The two men who fired, Loïk Le Priol and Romain Bouvier, 28 and 31 years old, two former GUD activists on file S for their membership in the violent far-right, fled, one on foot, the other by car.

They were arrested a few days later by the Paris Criminal Brigade and indicted for “assassination” by two investigating judges. The companion of Loïk Le Priol, who accompanied the duo that evening and who helped them in their escape, is also indicted for “complicity in assassination”.

According to information from RTL, the magistrates have now completed their investigations and the various parties, suspects and victims, received the notice of end of investigation at the end of last week. Everyone now has one month to make any observations or additional requests. The Paris prosecutor’s office has the same deadline to submit its requisitions and say, in particular, whether it is requesting a trial for “assassination”, in view of the elements of the file.

Defense denies intent to kill

The qualification is strongly contested by the lawyers of the two accused, Xavier Nogueras and Hugues Vigier, who believe that Loïk Le Priol and Romain Bouvier did not intend to kill when they set off in pursuit of the two rugby players in the Odéon district, after an initial fight on the terrace of the Mabillon, a night bar where the two groups were finishing their evening before starting to insult each other and come to blows over a trivial reason. Mr. Vigier, contacted by RTL, announced his intention to file a request for dismissal of the charge of “murder” and the requalification as intentional violence with weapons.

On the exact opposite, the advisors of Federico Aramburu and Shaun Hegarty, Yann Le Bras and Christophe Cariou-Martin, constantly emphasized that Romain Bouvier had fired four bullets in four seconds towards Federico Aramburu, at the height of man, two of whom injured him, and Loïk the Priol six bullets in four seconds, including three in the back, fatal. Which, for them, leaves no doubt about the desire to kill.

The video surveillance images recorded by the cameras on Boulevard Saint-Germain are also the subject of heated discussions. Lawyers for Le Priol and Bouvier say they show that the two suspects felt threatened and fired to defend themselves. Notably Loïk Le Priol, former member of the French special forces, who apparently saw red while Federico Aramburu, injured by the first two bullets fired by Romain Bouvier, tried to hit him. A scenario swept aside by the civil parties which emphasizes the precision of the shots, their speed and the escape which followed.

Long awaited, a first psychiatric assessment initially concluded that Loïk Le Priol presented a certain impairment of discernment due to his war trauma, but that this did not mitigate his responsibility in the facts. Conclusions refuted by a second opinion delivered in the spring which does not retain any mitigation. A motion for nullity, filed by the defense of the former soldier engaged in 2014 and 2015 in the Sahel, is still pending.

Potentially lethal weapons found at Romain Bouvier’s home

What is not in dispute is that the two shooters met in the 2010s within the GUD, a far-right student union accustomed to violent actions, where they met in particular Julien Rochedy, former head of the National Youth Front. Loïk Le Priol and Romain Bouvier were also prohibited from meeting and carrying a weapon in the context of violence committed together in 201. They each had one on their belts on the evening of the tragedy, “to protect themselves”, they would say. they.

At Romain Bouvier’s home, the police found a copy of My Struggleand many collector’s weapons, without a license required, but potentially lethal for some.

During the tribute organized at the time of the commemorations of March 19, 2023, the rugby player’s mother, Cécilia Aramburu, who came specially from Argentina, denounced in front of the plaque installed on Boulevard Saint-Germain “the irrational and characteristic hatred of the extreme right towards everything it considers different from itself”.

Federico Aramburu, a long-time player at Biarritz Olympique, had settled permanently with his widow Maria and their three children in the Basque Country, out of love for France and in particular for this region, land of Ovalie. The trial, if it were to be in fine decided by the magistrates, will not take place before 2025.

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