Alençon: author Marion Fayolle wins the 2024 Poulet-Malassis Prize

Alençon: author Marion Fayolle wins the 2024 Poulet-Malassis Prize
Alençon: author Marion Fayolle wins the 2024 Poulet-Malassis Prize


Jean-Christophe Buchot

Published on

June 22, 2024 at 12:21 p.m.

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Friday June 21, at the Alençon media library (Orne), the jury of Poulet-Malassis pricenamed in honor of Baudelaire’s Alençon publisher, crowned Marion Fayolle winner of the 2024 edition after long debates to decide their favorites between the 17 jury membersall great literature enthusiasts.

Starting from an initial list of 50 worksand after two successive selections to retain only eightreaders ultimately had to choose between first four novels in French: From the same wood by Marion Fayolle, Only the lie is true de Little Sam, A simple dinner by Cécile Tlili, and The Sleepless Guardian by Guillaume Huon.

New discussions, new deliberations, new votes.

Many members of the jury leaned towards the book by Little Sam, which addresses the violence suffered by migrants. However, it is ultimately the novel of Marion Fayolle , From the same wood, an old-fashioned story of family life, published by Gallimard, which was elected.

Children, babies, they call them “petitous”. And it’s true that they are little things. That they are a little of their mother, a little of their father, a little of grandparents, a little of those who died so long ago. Everything they transmitted to them, hid, invented. All. It’s not always easy to be a small whole, to have so many stories, so many people, to succeed in silencing them to invent yet another little thing of your own.

Marion Fayolle

“The choice was difficult,” comments Bernard Ayache,co-chair of the prize with Christine Perret. “Beyond the theme, it is the literary quality of the book which was decisive for this 12th edition. »

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Hervé Dubois, coordinator of the prize, calls for goodwill: “If you are tempted to be part of the next jury, simply contact the organizers via the Festival website. »

A member of the jury, a French teacher, is delighted to have been part of this prize for three years: “It is an opportunity to discover authors that I would not have read and above all to discuss literature with people from all walks of life. These exchanges are extremely enriching. »

The Poulet-Malassis prize, amounting to 1,000 euros, sponsored by the City of Alençonwill be given to Marion Fayolle during the Festival Books&morechaired by Nadine Pierrewhich will be held from October 7 to 13, in the Halle au Blé d’Alençon.

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