TESTIMONY. “The man I spent the night with was arrested for murder, I should have known better” – Closer

TESTIMONY. “The man I spent the night with was arrested for murder, I should have known better” – Closer
TESTIMONY. “The man I spent the night with was arrested for murder, I should have known better” – Closer

It was a night in August 2019, Paul Smith, a freelance journalist, was enjoying his friend’s birthday party in a bar in Edinburgh, says the Daily Mail. It was there that he met Paul McNaughton, who introduced himself under the pseudonym “Ryan“. They chatted briefly, and what seemed like a harmless encounter would soon take a disturbing turn..

Ryan revealed that he was an escort and suggested that Paul see his “content“. Although uncomfortable, Paul continued to chat with him. Later in the evening, after a few exchanges on the Grindr application, Paul agreed to follow Ryan to a nearby apartment.

“I had never been so scared in my life”

Arriving at the apartment, things took a worrying turn. After a few drinks, the situation escalated.
Paul felt increasingly uncomfortable, especially when Ryan started pinching him and becoming aggressive. Paul repeatedly asked Ryan to stop, but Ryan didn’t understand why. Sensing danger, Paul insisted on leaving.

Ryan, visibly angry, accused Paul of using him and wasting his time and money. The altercation became so intense that Paul had to flee the apartment, frightened by Ryan’s threats. “I’ve never been so scared in my life“, remembers Paul.

“Maybe I could have prevented this.”

Months after that night, the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, and Paul stopped using dating apps.
However, he could not forget this disturbing encounter. When he learned of the arrest of Paul McNaughton for the murder of Peter Coshan, a former teacher, he was horrified.

Seeing McNaughton’s photo in the media, Paul realized that “Ryan“and McNaughton were the same person. He then felt overcome by a feeling of guilt. “Maybe I could have prevented this if I had alerted the police“, he thinks with regret.

“I tell myself that many others must have encountered McNaughton”

Paul Smith can’t help but wonder if his silence cost anyone their life. “I tell myself that many others must have encountered McNaughton, I’m not the only one“, he says, trying to reassure himself. But the guilt persists.

He remembers Ryan’s threat: “I never want to see you here again“. This phrase still resonates in his mind, reinforcing his sense of responsibility. Paul thinks he could have done more, that he should have done more. Since that night, Paul has changed. He became extremely cautious in his encounters and learned to trust his instincts. “I never want to experience something like this again“, he said.



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