Baccalaureate 2024: reprimand, fine and even prison… what do students who cheat on exams risk?

Baccalaureate 2024: reprimand, fine and even prison… what do students who cheat on exams risk?
Baccalaureate 2024: reprimand, fine and even prison… what do students who cheat on exams risk?

Students who cheat during a baccalaureate exam are committing fraud. They risk disciplinary and criminal sanctions.

Being replaced by another person during a test, using a smartphone or a connected watch to consult information, communicating with other candidates during the test… Cheating during an exam, such as the baccalaureate, is fraud, points out the site

What is considered fraud

Other acts are considered fraud: using a calculator without authorization, using paper or documents other than those provided by the administration, or even committing plagiarism. Modifying continuous assessment notes on the dedicated application is also fraud.

In the event of fraud committed during the evaluation, the room supervisor must intervene and draw up a report of the behavior observed. The head of the examination center may decide on immediate expulsion if the candidate disrupts the assessment.

What students risk

The rector can choose: to abandon the proceedings, to refer the matter to the baccalaureate disciplinary committee, to convene a meeting when he is considering a sanction by reprimand.

Students who cheat risk disciplinary sanctions. The academic disciplinary committee may, depending on the case, pronounce one of the following sanctions, again according to the official website of the French administration:

  • a blame
  • a disciplinary sanction addressed to the student and revealing faulty behavior. The sanction is inserted in the student’s administrative file.
  • deprivation of any mention in the diploma
  • a ban on taking any National Education exam for a maximum of 5 years (baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate)
  • a ban on enrolling in a public higher education establishment for a maximum of 5 years

Criminal sanctions?

Baccalaureate fraud is also an offense, recalls This act is prohibited by law and punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment of less than 10 years. It may result in criminal sanctions. The student and his possible accomplices risk up to €9,000 fine and 3 years of imprisonment.



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