Gabriel and Ève-Marie Leclerc: expatriates to the USA to live their passion

Gabriel and Ève-Marie Leclerc: expatriates to the USA to live their passion
Gabriel and Ève-Marie Leclerc: expatriates to the USA to live their passion

A beautiful family story like that of the Leclercs of Donnacona, united around the project of academic success for the two children, through sports-study programs in American educational institutions.

Now 16 years old, Gabriel joined the ranks of the North Yarmouth Academy Panthers in Maine in 2022, while his 15-year-old younger sister, Ève-Marie, joined him in the fall of 2023. Next, Gabriel will play for the New Hampshire Mountain King junior team in the NA3HL league while Ève-Marie will continue her progression with the Panthers, finishing her twelfth year.

Eve-Marie’s journey

From her first year in high school, Ève-Marie played as a goalkeeper for the Saint-François Séminaire Blizzard. Having always played with boys, she discovered the pleasure of complicity between girls when she joined the ranks of a North Yarmouth Academy Panthers team, to complete her secondary 4 there. She is also the first girl from outside the United States to be part of this team.

After occupying one of the first places in the standings in its division throughout the year, his team won the end-of-season Championship. Ève-Marie had the privilege of acting as the starting goalie during the final game and contributing to her team’s victory, with 29 saves on 30 shots.

Éric Leclerc with Ève-Marie, then aged 7, and Gabriel at the age of 8. Photo: Offered by the Leclerc family.

Living in Maine

Ève-Marie and Gabriel stay with the same host family in Maine.

“I really like living with a host family, because it allows me to participate in activities with this family, unlike the students who stay in the student residence,” confides Ève-Marie. Her schedule is also very busy, as she participates in training lasting an hour and a half every day of the week, in addition to playing two or three games each week. In addition, before or after each training session on the ice, she must do indoor conditioning for 30 to 45 minutes.

In addition, in this High School, students must practice a fall sport, a winter sport and a spring sport. Which leads Ève-Marie to play soccer in September and October, and softball at the end of the hockey season.

Her biggest dream as an athlete is to one day join the new professional women’s hockey league. She says she is very aware that, to get there, she must have very good academic results and continue to perfect her hockey skills.

Far from family

» It’s not always easy to be away from family and friends, but we get used to it thanks to our interactions with our parents through Teamsthree or four times a week, and also because I made a lot of friends there, in sport and at school” confides Ève-Marie.

While the two young people return to Donnacona three times a year, their parents attend games four or five times a year in which one or the other of their children plays. In addition, American school hockey at this level is so well structured that Leclerc parents can watch broadcasts of their children’s matches via the Internet.

The Leclerc family reunited in North Yarmouth, Maine. Photo: Offered by the Leclerc family.

Gabriel’s journey

Gabriel was also part of the sports-studies program at Saint-François Seminary. In the last two years, he completed his 11e et 12e year of high school at North Yarmouth Academy. Starting next September, he will take a break from intensive studies to play with the Mountain King junior team in the NA3HL league, in Hookset, New Hampshire. With his team, he will practice and play every day, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The young athlete eventually wants to play in the NCAA league which offers significant scholarships for university studies. His ultimate dream in the world of hockey is to join the United States Hockey League, where the best junior caliber is played in our neighbors to the South.

Very proud parents

Éric Leclerc says he is “quite happy” with what his children have achieved. » The priority was studies, that they become bilingual and that they can surpass themselves and open doors thanks to sport. As parents, we are quite proud of them! “.

He points out that North Yarmouth Academy has a very good reputation. » In this private school, there are only 9 to 11 students per class, so the teaching is very personalized. Tuition fees are approximately US$45,000 per year. This is not what we pay because our two children benefit from scholarships. It’s still expensive, but we make sacrifices as a family to allow this for our children. “

Two determined and valiant young people

While Gabriel wants to become an aeronautical engineer, Ève-Marie is already thinking about pursuing university studies in the United States, possibly in medicine.

Furthermore, Anne-Marie works full-time during her summer in a clothing store. She only keeps 20% of her income as pocket money and saves the rest to cover part of her living expenses for the next year. As for Gabriel, he is working for the second summer at Ciment Québec in Saint-Basile and he is always up for the overtime that is offered to him. What’s more, from the end of his 5e secondary school at Saint-François Séminaire, he and two of his friends founded a summer hockey league in Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures. Gabriel also referees five or six games per week.



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