Different ages – Marie-Line, 71, and Jules, 49: “She was ashamed of being older. I love her like that. She’s my old lady”

Different ages – Marie-Line, 71, and Jules, 49: “She was ashamed of being older. I love her like that. She’s my old lady”
Different ages – Marie-Line, 71, and Jules, 49: “She was ashamed of being older. I love her like that. She’s my old lady”

Marie-Line, 71, and Jules, 49, have been a couple for almost 20 years: “I met Marie-Line because I was organizing a school trip and I wanted the children to meet her. She is a designer always but never knew how to put herself forward When I arrived in the village, I learned that she was there and I said to myself that it was important to put her forward. like that from time to time. She ended up leading a few workshops. I came to drink tea and talk about her projects. She’s not someone who has a lot of self-confidence. She was ashamed of being older and of having the life she led, a somewhat bohemian life. I found her very beautiful and I was impressed by her talent. I kissed her one afternoon. And then there were little gestures and we ended up being a complete couple. I moved in with her because she didn’t want to move. She made a little space for me. And I stayed.”

Marie-Line and Jules even start working together: “I’m still a school teacher but I get involved when she’s finishing a project. We decided that it was nice to create together. I do details, color when she doesn’t have time. We talk about stories together. I really like the sweetness of our daily life.

But Jules realizes that Marie-Line is getting older: “She is suffering more and more and tired. Her heart is less valiant. I know that I am seeing her decline. And I was ready from the start to I’m not afraid of death. I know it’s natural. I feel lucky to have experienced everything we’ve experienced together, and everything we continue to do. live there, I’m in a phase where I’m very aware of the little moments I take her hand and I tell myself that it’s so beautiful to feel her hand in mine. I take the time to. listening to her live. I’m making memories for afterwards She’s not in agony, but I want to collect all these memories before they disappear. But they’re beautiful ones. moments so I don’t mind if it lasts. And I note them, too, I take photos more and more. Seeing how much she makes me happy, makes me even happier. woman of my life.”

Marie-Line never had children: “Before knowing me, Marie-Line had a husband with whom she was unable to have children. I know that this is the only regret of her life. Obviously, it wasn’t possible for us either. It was already too late when we got together. And then, we didn’t talk about it right away. came over time, when she admits she’s jealous of me because I work with kids all day That’s kind of how we ended up mixing it up. I knew it would do her good. see children and pass on a little of everything she has to pass on. We also try to be there for her nephews and nieces, who we spoil as much as we can. They are adults now, but I have. the memory of school holidays when the house was very lively. I am happy to say that our house was not completely empty of children’s laughter.

Over time, the age difference between the two lovers did not have the same value: “At the beginning, it was very serious for Marie-Line. She was ashamed of being older than me. A few years later , it became more balanced. I told myself that it was because she was happy. And then, recently, it became an important subject again. afraid of being sick. So she is afraid that I will have to take care of her. But I am ready. There is no way I will disappear from her life just because she is an old lady. I love it like that too. She’s my old lady, the one who makes me the happiest of men.”

According to an INSEE study, 6 out of 10 men are older than their partners but only 8% of couples have more than 10 years of age difference. In recent years we have noticed an evolution: the average age gap seems to be widening. How do these couples that almost a generation opposes live? Is it possible to have a balanced relationship when both partners are not at the same time in their lives?

If you also want to tell your beautiful stories of life, friendship and love, you can send a message to this address: [email protected].




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