A former Ballon d’Or attacked and kidnapped at his home – foot11.com

A former Ballon d’Or attacked and kidnapped at his home – foot11.com
A former Ballon d’Or attacked and kidnapped at his home – foot11.com

Football has been celebrating Euro 2024 in Germany since June 14. And while the competition is in full swing and has some surprises in store for us, some very sad information has reached us from Italy. While he was at his home in the north of the country, where he was watching the Euro match between Spain and the Squadra Azzurra, Roberto Baggio was the victim of a burglary which went wrong.

Roberto Baggio attacked at his home

During the night from Thursday to Friday, Italian legend Roberto Baggio experienced a real nightmare. The 1993 Ballon d’Or was the victim of a burglary while he was at his home in the north-east of Italy. Five individuals entered his villa near Vicenza, before injuring the former Italian player in the forehead.

For 40 minutes and the duration of the burglary, Roberto Baggio and his family were sequestered in a room. After calling the police, the Italian had to go to the hospital to have stitches put in to treat his forehead wound. “In similar circumstances anything can happen and thankfully the abuse I suffered only resulted in a few stitches, bruises and a lot of fear. Now all that’s left is to overcome the fear” declared the former player of AC Milan, Inter and Juventus to the press agency Ansa. More fear than harm, but a hell of a scare.



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