Montpellier: who will go to the charity concert for National Organ Donor Day?

Montpellier: who will go to the charity concert for National Organ Donor Day?
Montpellier: who will go to the charity concert for National Organ Donor Day?


Carla Llorens

Published on

June 21, 2024 at 12:42 p.m.

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“If the law says that we are all donors, professionals must seek the opinion of the family,” announces the French Association of Families for Organ Donation, AFFDO. On the occasion of the national day of reflection on organ donation and transplantation this Saturday June 22, 2024, AFFDO and the Rotary Club organize a charity concert 5 p.m. with the Languedoc Chamber Orchestra to the room pastor of Corumthe convention center of the city of Montpellier.

Sixteen musicians will perform famous works from the string orchestra repertoire conducted by Alexandre Benderski.

In the program :

  • Antonio Vivaldi : String Concerto No. 27
  • Edvard Grieg : “From the Times of Holberg”
  • Gustav Holst : Saint Paul’s Suite
  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky : Serenade op 48
Videos: currently on -

This concert aims to raise funds for the numerous actions carried out throughout the year by the Rotary Club Montpellier and the AFFDO but also to go “to families and citizens, to make them aware of talking about it” . Proceeds will be donated to organ donation families.

Organ donation in France in a few figures

90% of grafts come from deceased donors.

1 dead person saves 3 lives.

Every day 3 people die from lack of a graft.

1/3 of transplants are not carried out due to lack of knowledge of the deceased’s position for organ donation.

Per year, nearly 6,000 organ transplants are carried out.

More than 70,000 people live thanks to a transplanted organ.

Sources: AFFDO and Don d’

> The charity concert will take place this Saturday June 22 at 5 p.m. at the Montpellier convention center, the Corum. More information here

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