Isère. Skateboarder hit by a car in Voiron: the teenager died

Isère. Skateboarder hit by a car in Voiron: the teenager died
Isère. Skateboarder hit by a car in Voiron: the teenager died

The efforts of doctors to save the teenager who was the victim of a very serious traffic accident on Friday June 14 in Voiron unfortunately proved to be in vain. The 17-year-old boy died of his injuries at the Grenoble-Alpes University Hospital where he was taken urgently, Dauphiné-Libéré learned.

It was almost 11:30 a.m. on the day of the tragedy, when the young man was violently hit by a car while he was on the left of the road and heading towards the center of Voiron, via the Montée du Verdin ( the RD 1076), from Chirens where he lived.

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The driver has not yet been heard by investigators

Shortly after the collision, a skateboard was found nearby, but it is unknown whether the teenager was riding on it or holding it in his hand.

Still, the motorist – a woman aged around fifty – had hit him head-on.

Very seriously injured, the teenager was rescued by firefighters and medically treated by a Samu 38 team before being transported to hospital by the Civil Security helicopter. The Voiron police officers, for their part, carried out the usual findings on the scene and opened an investigation.

The driver of the vehicle in question, physically unharmed but very psychologically shocked, was then taken care of by rescuers and taken to hospital. She has not yet been able to be heard by investigators who are still seeking to establish the precise circumstances of this tragic accident.



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