LEGISLATIVE: In the first constituency of Côte-d’Or, Océane Godard calls for “unity and responsibility”

LEGISLATIVE: In the first constituency of Côte-d’Or, Océane Godard calls for “unity and responsibility”
LEGISLATIVE: In the first constituency of Côte-d’Or, Océane Godard calls for “unity and responsibility”

The candidate nominated by the PS as part of the electoral agreement of the New Popular Front extends her hand to “all left-wing progressives”.

Press release from Océane Godard of June 19, 2024:

This legislative election is not an election like any other.

The moment we are experiencing is unprecedented and historic. The risk of living in a country governed by the extreme right is great. The danger is great, in Dijon and Côte-d’Or too.

This is why, as a candidate democratically nominated by my party, the Socialist Party, to represent the union of the left in the first constituency of Côte-d’Or, I call for responsibility and cohesion to be up to the challenges.

Our country needs appeasement, loyalty and work to provide French people with pragmatic and human responses: from the power of living to employment, from the security of property and people to the challenges of living well together, from the fight against climate change to the protection of water and nature, from education to lifelong training, from quality of life at work to economic development, from access to care in defense of the Rights and universal accessibility of people in vulnerable situations…

Because we are not playing with democracy, because the people of France need to be reassured, protected and appeased, I call on all left-wing progressives to join the dynamic that we are driving with the partners of the New Popular Front , in the continuity of what Raphaël Glucksmann initiated with clarity and humanism.

Océane GODARD, holder
41 years old, mother of 2 children
Work psychologist
Vice-president of the region in charge of high schools, training, apprenticeships and guidance
Municipal councilor of Dijon in charge of the social and solidarity economy and employment
President of Creativ’

Stéphane WOYNAROSKI, substitute
53 years
Biology-ecology teacher
Talant municipal councilor
Regional advisor in charge of biodiversity and water
President of the Regional Biodiversity Agency

The challenges of the first round of legislative elections in Côte-d’Or

The Young Socialists support Océane Godard and Pierre Pribetich in Côte-d’Or

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Océane Godard targets the first constituency of Côte-d’Or

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