Tournefeuille. Getinge receives the national Best Practices award

Tournefeuille. Getinge receives the national Best Practices award
Tournefeuille. Getinge receives the national Best Practices award

On Thursday June 6, France Qualité (, the reference association for professionals in quality, risk management and continuous improvement approaches, presented the Best Practices prize, SME category to Getinge Life Science France.

The Getinge Life Science France site in Tournefeuille comes from the Lancer company, founded in the 1970s in downtown Tournefeuille. After years operating as an SME, the Tourfeuilla-based company was acquired by the Swedish group Getinge. Founded in 1904 and named after the original Swedish town, Getinge provides equipment and solutions for hospitals and clinics, research and the pharmaceutical industry.

Already regional award last year

After winning the best practices prize at the Occitanie regional level in 2023, the company is therefore awarded the prize at the national level. It is by creating 3D digital exploded images to replace traditional 2D paper plans that the Getinge design office saves around 20 hours per week, saves time for operators and customer service, increases everyone’s satisfaction, and reduces costs. errors and goes paperless.

The France Qualité jury underlines: “The Getinge technical office project perfectly illustrates the extent to which digitalization can have multiple impacts on a company: creating value for customers, developing a corporate culture that values ​​autonomy, improving the quality of life at work for employees, improving productivity, increasing skills, economic gains linked to the reduction in errors during assembly.”

“The recognition of this Good Practice rewards the work but above all the state of mind of an exceptional team and I am very happy about it. I hope that this success continues to fuel the entrepreneurial dynamic and the desire to “improvement that reigns in our company, notes Julien Albouy-Meyer, vice-president of Product Area washers, isolators, sterilizers. Our ability to constantly transform ourselves is the key to our future success in a constantly evolving market.

“I am delighted, through a catalytic role, by collecting and compiling data and structuring the existing project – to have been able to promote the work accomplished internally, initially at the level of the Occitanie Region, and today today at the national level”, rejoices Elodie Ragné, former quality director of the site, now director of sustainable purchasing for the Getinge group.



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