The price of electricity is becoming negative in France but French people still pay very dearly

The price of electricity is becoming negative in France but French people still pay very dearly
The price of electricity is becoming negative in France but French people still pay very dearly

THE renewable energies produced so much electricity that the French electricity network manager asked EDF to cut off electricity production by its nuclear power plants.

According to an article in Fortune, renewable energy suppliers will even have to slow down their production:

While Europe needs more clean energy to meet its climate goals, soaring renewable energy production and a lack of battery storage mean reactors sometimes have to be shut down during periods of low request. This is becoming increasingly common at weekends in France – which gets around two-thirds of its electricity from its nuclear fleet – and also occurs in the Nordic region and Spain. EDF has shut down its Golfech 2, Cruas 2 and Tricastin 1 nuclear power plants, and plans to shut down three others over the weekend. Some renewable energy producers will also have to reduce production to avoid paying a fee due to negative prices. The price of electricity in France for the next day fell to -5.76 euros per megawatt-hour, the lowest in four years, during an auction on Epex Spot. The equivalent contract in Germany fell to 7.64 euros.

A drop in prices that we do not see at all on the French electricity bill. On the contrary…



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