Legislative elections 2024: Florence Beuvelet and Riwan Guillou LR candidates in Saint-Nazaire

Florence Beuvelet LR candidate and her deputy Riwan Guillou

Credit : Florence Beuvelet LR candidate and her deputy Riwan Guillou

Florence Beuvelet, with her experience as a former municipal and regional councilor, has dedicated her career to teaching law and economics. Currently an entrepreneur in the training sector, she is running in this legislative election for the eighth constituency of Loire-Atlantique under the Les Républicains label. Riwan Guillou, law student and entrepreneur, is his deputy:

“A big dreamer, I try to embody today what my parents always taught me: to be free,” he explains. Born to a Breton father and a Franco-Indian mother, he says he is inspired by republican universalism.

Priorities and Commitments

On the program side, Florence Beuvelet emphasizes economic measures to support businesses and promote growth. Riwan Guillou specifies on our microphone: “We will fight for the purchasing power of the French, we will fight to revive an economy in danger and we will fight for SMEs, VSEs which today are facing a certain crisis.”

Florence Beuvelet and Riwan Guillou present themselves as the defenders of a republican and independent right, in opposition to the extremes. They wish, with their candidacy, to restore confidence among voters and to encourage individual initiative. “I aspire to represent through my young age all young people and all people who dream one day of being able to build projects in France,” concludes Riwan Guillou.



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