Gignac. A day of opportunities for youth employment

Gignac. A day of opportunities for youth employment
Gignac. A day of opportunities for youth employment

The Lot local mission, in collaboration with Etap 46 and France Travail, organized the youth employment games. This event, supported by the Maison des Solidarités Départementales, took place at the Georges Pivaudran stadium and brought together 27 young people, as well as 9 local businesses from various sectors of activity. The main objective was to facilitate exchanges between young people and local employment stakeholders while promoting professional integration. The day started with a breakfast offered by France Travail. At 10 a.m., speeches from elected officials and partners, notably departmental councilors Nelly Ginestet and Violaine Fraysse, Caroline Mey representing Cauvaldor, and Mr. Cambou from the City of Souillac, officially launched the event. The mixed teams made up of young people and employers then competed in various sporting activities, while a budget workshop was offered by the Maison des Solidarités. At 1 p.m., the trophy presentation took place, followed by a common meal financed by the Local Mission. In the afternoon, participants visited several stands for meetings with employers and information on access to rights, health and international mobility. The results were very positive: 16 young people submitted applications, 4 were able to benefit from Professional Scenario Periods (PMSMP), 5 received job offers and 1 obtained a civic service offer. This day helped strengthen ties between young people and local employers.



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