Epinal – A defense and citizenship day on army recruitment Thursday June 20, 2024

Epinal – A defense and citizenship day on army recruitment Thursday June 20, 2024
Epinal – A defense and citizenship day on army recruitment Thursday June 20, 2024

A Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC) on recruitment into the armies is organized on Thursday June 20, 2024 at the 1st Tirailleurs d’Épinal regiment from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

– From 1:30 p.m., young people will attend material presentations. They will also be able, on this occasion, to discuss with the soldiers present on their jobs, the reasons and meaning of their commitment and all the diversity of their missions.

– From 3:30 p.m., the civil and military authorities will carry out the ceremony to award individual certificates of participation.

In 2023, 22% of young people have expressly expressed their interest in receiving information on these different commitments at the end of the defense and citizenship day.

The certificate of participation in the Defense and Citizenship Day will be required for any registration for exams and competitions submitted to the public authority. The certificate of participation in the JDC is required up to the age of 25 when registering for exams (BEP, CAP, baccalaureate, etc.) and competitions (grandes écoles, entry into the civil service, etc.) subject to control by the JDC. public authority, as well as the driving license.

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