Let the new directors of conscience be silent!

Let the new directors of conscience be silent!
Let the new directors of conscience be silent!

How can I get them to shut up? “They” are all the artists, influencers or athletes who have mobilized and given their opinion on French politics since the evening of the European elections. “They” are all those who forget to what extent the gap between their lives and that of millions of National Rally voters has widened. “They” are all those who are unaware that, among the young people who are the main target of their calls for mobilization, the Le Pen vote is a hit, when it is not the Mélenchon vote.

How can we make them understand that each speech causes the Macron camp to lose votes? If Kylian Mbappé’s call triggers the enamored applause of a squad of macronie ministers, in reality it only convinces the convinced and exasperates those, numerous, who point out his tens of millions of euros of income (net of taxes), his indecent contracts with regard to what the minimum wage or RSA is, and his choice to live his professional future abroad.

As for wondering, little angel, if he could be proud, tomorrow, to wear the jersey of the French team, this risks being experienced as an insult by those who think precisely that their vote will allow France to regain your pride.

The time is no longer for committed artists, they were so wrong. Today’s influencers? Many have been demonetized, or even prosecuted. There remain a few athletes admired more for their exploits than for their political acumen, and a few star YouTubers whose success is most often based on laughter and derision. Leaving their comfort zone to become a director of conscience by signing open letters written like leaflets against the extreme right will, at best, move as many votes in one direction as in the other.



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