Christophe Hutteau: “These are boys who have experienced particular ordeals, from which it is always difficult to recover. But they have shown a lot of character”

Christophe Hutteau is now the brothers’ agent Kutran, Nicholas And
Baptistelittle brothers of Ruben
disappeared just a year ago. Nicolas spoke about his signing in favor of the CH Agency.

“We were happy, Christophe was also happy to accompany us and work with us. He’s been telling us since the first meeting that if he’s with us, he’s never going to let us go. We will work hard to achieve our goal. I hope he will make us go pro.”

The mother of the two brothers also gave her feelings after this signing.

“My boys signed in favor of Mr. Christophe Hutteau, who is now their agent. I’m happy because I trust him. It was at the beginning of January the birthday of my eldest son, Ruben, who died a year ago… It’s a tribute to him too […] Christophe Hutteau inspired me with confidence. The priority for him is family, that’s what’s important.”

Christophe Hutteau was particularly happy to count them among the players whose interests he managed.

“It is above all the good education, the mentality of these boys which convinced me, because they are boys who have experienced particular ordeals, from which it is always difficult to recover. But they showed a lot of character with their mother and their sister. This is something that particularly moved me and motivates me. Of course, if these boys didn’t have qualities, we wouldn’t be here today. It is undeniable that you need qualities to be able to aspire to a high-level career. And then, they also have experience because they are boys who have just played in a World Cup with their selection. Few players today can present such experience at the start of their young career.”

Transcription Girondins4Ever



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