Five people injured with knives in a Metz grocery store: what we know

Five people injured with knives in a Metz grocery store: what we know
Five people injured with knives in a Metz grocery store: what we know


Antony Speciale

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 6:27 p.m.

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This Monday, June 17, 2024, five people were injured by stabbings in the district of Borny in Metz (Moselle), as reported by several of our colleagues.

The events occurred at the grocery store Borny Souk, rue du Fort-des-Bordes, around 10:30 a.m. According to the Metz public prosecutor, Yves Badorc, two people would be more seriously affected.

An investigation into attempted murder opened

According to David Ghisleri, departmental secretary of the Alliance police nationale union in Moselle, a dispute broke out between the manager of the grocery store and another person. The two protagonists would know each other. According to the first elements, the brawl occurred against the backdrop of a “financial dispute” between several people fromAfghanistan.

The public prosecutor of Metz evokes “a context ofextortion and of racketeering “. These elements must be confirmed at the end of an investigation into attempted murder entrusted to the Interdepartmental Judicial Police Service (SIPJ) of Metz. “ Several perpetrators are on the run ”, according to Mr. Badorc.

David Ghisleri explains that the most seriously injured person, hit in the leg, was able to be treated in time by the police and firefighters. “If they had not been treated quickly, the person would have died,” he said. All five injured people were hospitalized.

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“The manager was very nice”

In the neighborhood, residents are not very talkative. None of the witnesses interviewed said they directly witnessed the scene.

A group of young people who had just returned from the city center and who know the grocery store manager well testify. “The manager was very nice, we went shopping regularly and nothing had ever happened until now,” explains one of them.

Instead, residents sought to understand what had really happened and why a security perimeter had been formed. The police, who arrived on the scene around 10:30 a.m., gradually left the area from 4:45 p.m.

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