Wolf attack at Thoiry zoo: what the gendarmes now know

Wolf attack at Thoiry zoo: what the gendarmes now know
Wolf attack at Thoiry zoo: what the gendarmes now know

The circumstances of the unprecedented accident which occurred Sunday morning at the Thoiry zoo are becoming clearer.

How did the jogger end up in the wolves’ enclosure?

The TF1 news reports the facts.

Four days later, the police are still trying to understand. How was a 37-year-old woman able to jog in an area of ​​the Thoiry zoo closed to pedestrians? The victim was staying in a secure lodge, among the wolves, as shown in the images from the TF1 report above, filmed on site on Sunday, a few hours after the accident.

Around nine o’clock, the victim goes jogging alone, up to the blue entrance in the image below. The park is still closed, but this gate is open for the keepers. She crosses a metal plate on the ground and electrified wires, which prevent the animals from escaping. A few meters further, the young woman finds herself face to face with a bear. She turns around, three wolves attack her. The one who still could not be heard by the police was then injured in the back and larynx.


On Sunday, the park assured that the safety rules were very clear. “There is all the information indicating that this is a dangerous area, that you should not get out of your car and enter this area. And then there is the whole part of the carers, the entertainers, who all yesterday evening informed our customers of the dangerous zone.e”, argues Christelle Bercheny, president of the Yvelines zoo, in our report.

  • Read also

    Woman injured by wolves in Thoiry: explanations from a trainer

According to a source close to the investigation, the victim was listening to music at the time of the accident. “Among the questions, it will be necessary to know if she saw and understood these signs. This is why his hearing will be decisive“, declares Maryvonne Caillibotte, the public prosecutor of Versailles. The investigation is ongoing. Eight caregivers, witnesses to the accident, have already been interviewed.

The editorial staff of TF1info | Report Maurine Bajac, Florence De Juvigny, Guillaume Chièze



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