The Toulouse virtuoso has his violin confiscated by the courts… Because of his father’s troubles

The Toulouse virtuoso has his violin confiscated by the courts… Because of his father’s troubles
The Toulouse virtuoso has his violin confiscated by the courts… Because of his father’s troubles

the essential
A violin affair between Toulouse and the city of Ingres. Elias, little violin genius, can no longer play his instrument. The courts confiscated it because his father was suspected of embezzlement. Explanations.

Elias is a phenomenon. The young violinist is one of the most brilliant 3rd cycle students at the Toulouse Conservatory (CRR), “in 7 years, he learned what other students take 12 or 13 years to accomplish” says Jean-Philippe Battédou, the teacher who the form. But the young man was deprived of his instrument. Last week, the gendarmerie took his violin without Elias being guilty of anything.

“We took his heart out”

The explanation: the violinist’s father was in trouble with the law and investigators under the authority of the investigating judge seized the instrument: “it was one of the only valuable objects in the house, it’s my working instrument, I was very shocked” explains the young man, “the poor kid is at the bottom of the hole, his heart has been removed” adds his teacher.

A precautionary seizure

This precautionary seizure would be intended to pay possible damages, if the musician’s father was convicted. Indicted in particular for concealed work, this former manager of Emmaüs Tarn et Garonne would have proposed the deposit of a deposit of an amount equal to the value of the instrument, “it doesn’t work like that” replies the authority judicial.

“This seizure is unfair, it violates the principle of the presumption of innocence (the father has not been definitively convicted) and that of the individuality of sentences” complains Jean-Philippe Battédou for whom “as the Constitutional Council indicates, no one can be punished for a crime that he did not commit”. The father paid for the instrument but “Elias is the only user”.

A petition on

Its set, built by luthier Galen Hartley and bow maker Stéphane Müller, costs around 12,500 euros. Jean-Philippe Battédou denounces the absurdity of this court decision, “to deprive him of his instrument is to deprive him of his soul, his voice and the means to continue his studies” explains the professor who launched a petition on “I did the preparatory cycle at the national school of the judiciary and I believe that it is very poorly judged”, “no musician can remain insensitive to this tragedy” concludes the professor.

Serious charges weigh on the father

Contacted, the Montauban public prosecutor’s office confirms “this precautionary seizure in a procedure with high financial stakes” and “the violin was in the name of the person indicted”. Lawyers can request the return of seals but there is no indication that they will succeed. The father of violinist Christian Calmejane and his deputy, Hrachya Hayrapetyan, were indicted and placed under judicial supervision on June 20, according to the Montauban prosecutor’s office. They are being prosecuted for carrying out hidden work aggravated by the vulnerability of the victims, insufficient or non-existent remuneration for work carried out by vulnerable people or minors and breach of trust. Facts relating to the period 2018-2024.



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