“There are days when I am tired”: Is Sheila ready to retire? She answers cash

“There are days when I am tired”: Is Sheila ready to retire? She answers cash
“There are days when I am tired”: Is Sheila ready to retire? She answers cash

Aged 78, Sheila recently celebrated 60 years of career. Is she planning to retire soon? The singer responded frankly in an interview for TV Grandes Chaînes, which will appear on newsstands on June 19, 2024.

Sheila was only 15 years old when, in 1960, she took her first steps in the world of music. The young girl, who is actually called Annie Chancel, is then supported by her mother, Micheline Gaultier. “My mother, who sang like a nightingale, had been prevented by my grandmother from starting a career as an artist. She didn’t want to repeat this with me“, revealed the artist in a long interview given to Release in November 2023. Having become an icon of the yéyés, Sheila then, never stopped singing. Recently, she celebrated 60 years of career. Today, she still goes on gigs, regularly records new songs and even takes on new challenges. So, this Wednesday June 19, she will appear in a new episode of the series Scenes of households. It was on this occasion that she was questioned by our colleagues from TV Major Channels.

Sheila, a “young rebel”

The 78-year-old artist has made it known that she has no plans to end her career at all.The word retirement is synonymous with cemetery for me. Besides, I am against the term ‘senior’. I prefer to say ‘major’. I’m fighting to change that, and I’m going to do it before I die. I hope !“, she said with a laugh. Sheila does not consider herself a “senior“, nor as a “old” person. “Who decided we were too old? I do not agree ! I am a young rebel“, she added.

Performing on stage for more than two hours still doesn’t scare her, the singer having maintained good physical condition. “I am lucky – and I thank my parents and my guardian angels – to be in good health. And I talk. Since the age of 5, I have been dancing and playing sports. There are days when I’m tired, but what’s extraordinary is that once on stage, the public carries you“, she explained. Despite the passage of time, Sheila has no reason to put away her microphone!



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