Fire in California – USA: nearly 5,000 hectares ravaged by fire

Fire in California – USA: nearly 5,000 hectares ravaged by fire
Fire in California – USA: nearly 5,000 hectares ravaged by fire

A forest fire in southern California (west) has ravaged nearly 5,000 hectares and caused the evacuation of several hundred people, local authorities said on Sunday.

The fire, which broke out on Saturday, grew out of control on Sunday near Gorman in the Tejon Pass area of ​​Los Angeles County, according to the same source.

The scale of the forest fire forced authorities to evacuate nearly 1,200 campers from a park.

Gusty winds caused the flames to spread quickly, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) said.

A group of hikers trapped in the fire zone had to be rescued Sunday morning, the Los Angeles County Fire Department said.

More than 300 firefighters were mobilized to contain the flames, authorities said.

An investigation was opened to determine the causes of the fire.

According to the government’s National Climate Assessment report, the US economy loses nearly $150 billion each year due to the impact of climate change.

The country is currently facing extreme weather events (floods, fires, tornadoes, etc.) which cause considerable damage, the cost of which is estimated at more than a billion dollars every three weeks, notes the report.

“Such events cost the United States nearly $150 billion each year and disproportionately affect poor and disadvantaged communities,” says the document, which highlights the importance of the country investing more in clean energy. and adapting cities to higher temperatures and rising sea levels.



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