the campaign is officially launched

the campaign is officially launched
the campaign is officially launched

8:09 a.m. On France Inter, the RN deputy Sébastien Chenu was annoyed by Kylian Mbappé’s speaking “against the extremes”. “When we have the chance, the honor, to wear the French team jersey, we have a little restraint,” he blurted.

He defended his party, notably refuting accusations of anti-Semitism: “There is no reason to be afraid, nor to raise false fears,” he assured.

7:45 a.m. On RTL this Monday morning, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal recalled that the presidential majority under the banner “Together for the Republic” did not present a candidate in around sixty constituencies.

“I am clear, I am ready and I am free”he insisted, calling again not to vote for the extremes, which he considers dangerous for the future of the country.

On the position taken by footballer Kylian Mbappé, “young people who speak to young people, who are models for them, are doing their part by calling them to a civic duty”estimated the Prime Minister.

7:43 a.m. Olivier Faure, boss of the PS, comments, in an interview with the World, the union of the left. “We need to get out of this bad story of irreconcilable lefts,” did he declare.

He also returned to the five candidates from La France insoumise excluded from the New Popular Front, the “LFI rebels”: Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido, Hendrik Davi, Danielle Simonnet, Frédéric Mathieu. Their presence ” dessert “ the NFP, he estimated. Other voices on the left had denounced a “purge”.

7:40 a.m. Kylian Mbappé calls on young people to vote “against the extremes that spread”. At a press conference this Sunday, he readily agreed to mix football and politics, although he says he usually avoids doing so.

“This is why I call on all young people to go and vote, to become aware of the situation. I hope that my voice will carry as much as possible because we need to identify with our country. We need to identify with our values ​​which are values ​​of tolerance, diversity, respect”did he declare.

“I really hope that we will make the right choice and that we will still be proud to wear this jersey on July 7,” after the second round, he added.

7:33 a.m. The electoral signs will be back in service. This Monday marks the start of the legislative electoral campaign.

As the site vie-publique points out on the key dates of the elections, June 17 therefore marks “the opening in each constituency of a commission responsible for ensuring the sending and distribution of all electoral propaganda documents”.

Voters will once again receive the candidates’ professions of faith. All nominations are closed. The list of political parties authorized to participate in the campaign must be published in the Official Journal no later than this Monday.

It is also from today that the media must transmit their statements to Arcom (formerly CSA), twice a week, to monitor the balance in the speaking times of the candidates and their supporters.



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