Jordan Bardella “shows absolute amateurism”, according to Gabriel Attal

Jordan Bardella “shows absolute amateurism”, according to Gabriel Attal
Jordan Bardella “shows absolute amateurism”, according to Gabriel Attal

The Prime Minister, on RTL, insisted that “it is me who is leading this campaign, who is proposing another path, positive for our country”.

Gabriel Attal attacked the leader of the National Rally head-on: “Jordan Bardella has been explaining for a year that he is going to return to pension reform. And in one sentence, he says that no, he’s not going to do it. This shows absolute amateurism. This shows that these are the first politicians to betray their voters even before being elected. »

For him, “there are three choices: there is the alliance led by LFI, an alliance led by the RN and the Ensemble pour la République bloc. What is at stake is the future of the country. Do we want a country that is experiencing the worst economic crisis? This is what will happen if the extremes win. »

Gabriel Attal affirms: “We are fighting for the French. Of course everything is not perfect. But everything could disappear if the extremes win. »

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